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by jmarias
Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:40 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: Export filtered including parents
Replies: 0
Views: 3304

Export filtered including parents


News Articles 2012
|---> August 2012
|----> Item ABC

After applying custom Filter I'm printing and/or exporting
filtered results to new myinfo file.

Unfortunately, filtered items never include any tree
hierarchy info, i.e. parent (News Articles, August 2012)

Here's my idea ...
by jmarias
Wed Oct 03, 2012 5:52 am
Forum: Archive
Topic: [fixed in 6.11] BUG in wysiwyg printing
Replies: 3
Views: 4081

Re: BUG in wysiwyg printing

Here's another more helpful example:
Again, open Myinfo Quick start.
Select TREE pane, expand "Tasks" and select "Bike the lakefront".
In the toolbar, set TREE ITEM TEXT (not background) color to GREEN.

Now compare with print preview:
"Welcome" should not be green
"Tasks" should not be green
"Call ...
by jmarias
Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:04 pm
Forum: Archive
Topic: [fixed in 6.11] BUG in wysiwyg printing
Replies: 3
Views: 4081

[fixed in 6.11] BUG in wysiwyg printing

Exact steps to reproduce
1. open help->example topics->"myinfo quickstart" document
2. select filter pane
3. select "all tasks (grouped)" filter
4. select file->print, print what: filter pane(wysiwyg)
5. preview

now compare this with actual filter pane
its messed up!