Thanks for your offer to help.
Perhaps for other users too some customizations are of interest. So I thought it would be useful to describe which modifications I made when using still the
previous version of MyInfoPro (6.16) by making some changes in the file "common.css"
after exporting the topic to Web Site.
Here what I had made in the "old" common.css:
When exporting to Web Site you can choose a title for this export (by default it is the name of your topic/file).
If you wanted this
title to appear also on the website (on top of the tree) you had to make the following modification:
Delete in the css.file the word "
none" under "#topic-title" ---> "display":
Also on top of the tree you can see on the website the word "Documents" upon a bar. The default
background color of the bar is grey (#E0E0E0). I changed it in the css.file (under "th") to a brown/ocher color (#C1C185):
Changing the
background color of the whole tree (default is white):
I achieved it by adding in the css-file under "tree" the word "
background-color" and the number of the desired color (in my case: #CCDAFF, that is a light blue):
Within the tree the titles of the
documents are separated by a dotted horizontal line.
I changed the default
color of this line (a light grey: #D5D5D5) to the stronger black (#000000). You had to do this under "#tree td, #tree th":
titles of the documents listed in the tree are links. So it is logical that they have dark blue
color (#3300FF). You could find it in the css-file under "a:link":
I changed it to black (#000000) because so the titles are better visible on my blue background color of the tree.
When making this customization in the user.css (MyInfo version 6.20) you will also have to add "#tree" in front of "a:link":
Links you have visited (= document names you have clicked on) by default change the color (I do not remember which one). If you want another color (for example when you wish that the color remains the same as before visiting the link) you have to replace the color written under "a:visited" by the color of your choice:
For example, I changed the entry to black: #000000 (= same color before and after clicking a link/title).
When making this customization in the user.css (MyInfo version 6.20) you will also have to add "#tree" in front of "a:visited":
document title selected (= the one you have currently clicked on) has also an own color (by default: black: #000). I changed it to a dark red (#F0003C).
You had to do it under "#tree tr.selected a" (not the above "#tree tr.selected"):
There is a vertical splitter bar which separates the tree from the content / text field (don't know if I use the correct expressions).
The default
color of the splitter bar is a grey (#ccc). I decided to give it a blue color (##809FFF).
You have to replace the color under ".ui-state-default { "background-color":
I also increased a little bit
the width of the splitter bar (from 4px to 5px).
This was made under "splitter-bar-vertical":
These were the changes I had made in the old css-file. I hope my unprofessional way of describing them was understandable.
There were two more details for which I could not find out how to modify them in the old css-file.
A change of the background color of the content field (= of the right side of the window).
Some more space (padding) on the left and on the right end of the content field. Currently this space seems very small to me (but perhaps this is only a matter of getting accustomed to):
on the left:
on the right:
For people who are interested to see how look certain colors and which are their codes used in a css-file, this website is very useful: ("Color Schemer Online")