Suggestion: Tag chooser

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Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:18 am

Suggestion: Tag chooser

Post by kf »

When trying to insert multiple tags, it is a pain to have to open the drop down list everytime (this is not a problem for only a couple of tags, but ends up being lots of extra clicks for many tags). Could you make the drop down list stay open after you click it the first time? This way, subsequent tags could easily added with one click.

MyInfo Support
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

We will think of alternatives of the current tag chooser.
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:18 am

Post by kf »

Cool, thanks! I dont know that you need to entirely change the tag chooser dialog... just some small refinements. Autocomplete within the dialog would be cool too. ie, if you start typing in the edit control, it would autocomplete the tags right there. THen you wouldnt have to use the listbox unless you couldnt remember what tags you had.

One thing you might be able to change would be the All Tags dialog. It is extremely useful as it is now, but if you could redo it so that it could display/edit/manage lots of tags more easily that would be awesome. A textbox list does not make finding that one tag in a multitude very easy! Tags are EXTREMELY useful and I like how MyInfo integrates tags, but a full-fledged tag manager would greatly help. Functions of the manager could be:

- rename tags (existing)
- Delete tags (existing)
- Manage saved tag configurations (I dont really see a good way to do this currently and there doesnt seem to be a way to make a topic specific configuration)
- Get tag statistics (currently you can get a count, but it would be nice to be able to see what tags were grouped together... admittedly, the praticality of this is somewhat far-fetched! But it would be cool to be able to generate a "mind-map" type diagram from the tag interrelationships.)

With a few refinements to the tag dialogs and the filter dialog (see my previous post) MyInfo could really take tags to the next level! Thanks for the feedback petko!
