Colors, contrast, font appearance etc.

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Post by Tester »

Thanks for the clarifications, Petko.

The discussion you linked to (at is quite interesting because it shows the history and the background of the issue. As browser I use Firefox and only very seldom Chrome - so I was never aware of the big difference in font rendering between them. But it is indeed enormous which can be seen quite clearly by the example with the Wikipedia site, mentioned there in the first post.

After a certain Firefox update (in 2019) there was a similar problem with this browser too. (I could even imagine that with the default Firefox settings it continues to exist.) But it could be fixed by changing an entry in the Firefox registry ("about:config"):

It was necessary to change the value for the entry gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.force_gdi_classic_max_size from 15 (=standard) to e.g. 100. (You can see the discussion where I found out the solution here: ... er-looking)

I think users of Chrome unfortunately do not have such possibilities to modify their settings. And I assume that concerning the editor used for MyInfo 7 it is not possible too.

So I think that a certain remedy could be found only in two ways:
- With a different (darker and colourful) theme around the editor possibly the grey thin letters within the editor will appear a little bit darker and more intensive too. (?)
- The other way would be to change the font itself, as suggested above.

By the way, concerning themes. Looking for a file compare tool, yesterday I made a short test with "UltraCompare" ( And although I usually do not appreciate themes in dark mode, I was highly impressed by the default theme of this software (I forgot the name of the theme). It looks (in my opinion) incredible elegant, clear in contrast, and in a pleasant way colourful.

I am not sure that I would prefer a theme in dark mode for working e.g. with an editor (surely it is also a question of habit). And concerning MyInfo I would already be happy if there came back a theme that gives it a look like it had with version 6.

But simply to see the difference to the current appearance of MyInfo 7 and the different effect on the eyes: If you have time, Petko, take a look at "UltraCompare". :wink:
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Post by wsp »

I find that I can make the text look just slightly darker by changing the background to yellow. The color combination I'm using at the moment is 40-240-218. It helps a little, though I am still looking forward to a better solution.
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Post by Telesto »

Tester wrote: Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:27 pm - one picture with the old version (MyInfo 6):

- the other with the new one (MyInfo 7):
My comparison: Arial 10. Standard font. Non-HDPI screen, ClearType disabled
Tester.jpg (496.38 KiB) Viewed 4462 times
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Post by Telesto »

Tester5.jpg (524.47 KiB) Viewed 4461 times
ClearType enabled (did turn this on in the same session. It's applied in other area's). So I assume it's also applied in app already.
Note: ClearType Windows 8.1 (ClearType Windows 10 maybe different)
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Post by Telesto »

After so comparison:
ClearType is mess in MyInfo 7. There are area's where it's turned on (title bar). and where this being disabled (main editor). So font will look different between components/ elements within the application. That's the 'worst' outcome.

And apparently it heavily matters on which screen it's rendered. Testers MyInfo 6 looks crisp with - I assume - ClearType on. For me it's thin lines (even with ClearType on) and the 'chrome' rendering actually better.
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Post by Telesto »

OK, apparently type of rendering - GPU/CPU also matters. At least ... on-windows is suggesting Disable accelerated 2D Canvas
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