Panes (e.g. attributes, tags, etc.) take up too much screen space. I would like to stack them one beneath the other and have a divider to size them verticall<.
In addition MyInfo should keep track of which panes are opened when it is closed. On re-start it should open them up in exactly the same way. Today it always opens up the attribute pane which I have to close everytime because I don´t use it.
Enhancements for panes
I grasp the problem with to many panels. I personally prefer a sidebar with decks, instead of splitters. So something like thismfelix wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 3:26 pm Panes (e.g. attributes, tags, etc.) take up too much screen space. I would like to stack them one beneath the other and have a divider to size them verticall<.
Which screen recorder or utility are you using please? And how do you achieve the yellow disk following the mouse pointer with a red circle when there is a click?
Which screen recorder or utility are you using please? And how do you achieve the yellow disk following the mouse pointer with a red circle when there is a click?
Last edited by Simicro on Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Is it this utility?
Ok I found several utilities but could not achieve the same effect as you (the red circle moving outward) when clicking.
Ok I found several utilities but could not achieve the same effect as you (the red circle moving outward) when clicking.
Ocam from OhSoftSimicro wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:26 pm Is it this utility?
Ok I found several utilities but could not achieve the same effect as you (the red circle moving outward) when clicking.
Thanks Telesto!