Please help. I need to control --meaning, increase-- font size of header/footer when printing. Using sing WIN 8 desktop and MI 8.1.
While I posted this in August, never received an answer. [Original post below.] For me, this is not an occasional problem. It's a major problem. Thanks in advance for letting me know when this will be fixed, or how to do a workaround via my Epson Workforce printer.
Post by mayablu » Tue Aug 22, 2023 7:10 pm
Loving new version MI! So appreciate dark theme option which is a huge help for text-intensive types like me : )
That said, since I can no longer control Header/Footer font size when printing.
It's printing at about 7-8 point type, and impossible to read. Did not have this problem w/ MI 6.
Headers /Page Numbers sizes are a real problem for me, because I print out multi-page chapter drafts, and long-length manuscript pages.
Using: WIN 8.1; Epson Workforce 3620 which is no longer updated, but won't be replaced until November, but has worked with all prev. vers. of MI.
Need instructions on how to change Header/Footer font size...
Is there a fix in the works?
Anyone else experience this problem?
Thanks for a wonderful new, MI, Petko! Dark Theme is making my life better by stopping the *white out* effect. And I build my life and workflow around MyInfo.
I will try to tackle this problem for the next update!
Petko, thanks for checking this problem / control update out. Looking forward to the fix in next update : )