After installing the new MyInfo version 8.2, I ran into a nasty bug. When trying to create a internal link to an existing note in any existing or new database by using the shortcut @ method, no list of existing notes to choose from appears. Instead, the message following @ is to "Create a note" with the title of what I type following the @ character.
I deleted MyInfo version 8.2 and reinstalled version 8.1. Now the shortcut method for internal linking using @ followed by the note name functions properly.
I am using Windows 10.0 19045 Build 19045. Anyone else experience this issue?
[fixed] Internal note linking use @ in MyInfo 8.2 fails
This problem is fixed in MyInfo 8.2 (build 7959).
I am afraid it is not fixed. I tried updating to version 7959 but now the installation of the Update fails.
Each time after I try updating, my About screen tells me I still have version 7957. When I Check for Updates, I get the following message.
In other words, it seems to be reinstalling the old version 7957 each time.
Each time after I try updating, my About screen tells me I still have version 7957. When I Check for Updates, I get the following message.
In other words, it seems to be reinstalling the old version 7957 each time.
Can you try the Check for Updates again? It should install the correct build now.
Petko, it still does not install version 7959. After multiple installation attempts including after shutting down my computer and trying again, my version remains 7957 -- and the @ linking still fails.
The same for me. I can't install 7959, 7957 prevails.
I've released version 8.2.1 just to be sure that it get properly through the CDNs. You should be able to update now.
Thank you Petko.
Update to version 8.2.1 works.
@ linking works.
Update to version 8.2.1 works.
@ linking works.