Reminders Pane

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Reminders Pane

Post by noone22 »

I have started to use the Reminder and Comments fields more lately, the one challenge I found is if you have multiple sections then the global search is the only way to see all reminders in one place.

Global search is an awesome feature but limited to the the title and the group by options. Maybe additional group by options could be added such as Due By, Reminder Date, etc.

Perspectives are also incredible but they are limited to a single section, maybe if the perspectives were also global where they can span across all sections that would be another solution. Yes you can copy a perspective on another section but in this scenario I want to create a global perspective that shows all reminders or due date or complete date, etc.

Last option is to have due date and reminder panes.

Thank you...J
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Post by Telesto »

There a quite a list of "Special Attributes" you can search with Global Search. See the manual:

So search it's not limited to title/content.


About (virtual) merged sections which spans over all data within the database which be filtered.
+1. Keeps information manageable and structured by splitting across sections. But keeps the power to use a perspective integrally.
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Post by noone22 »

Telesto - thx, I use the special attributes often in global searches, if I search for "reminder:20241012" then the global search pane appears, in the Group By drop down you see "By Updated", "Section", Title", I am looking for additional group by options like "Reminder Date" or "Due Date". The Search shows the note and date to the right of the note is the "By Updated" date, I would like to see the actual "Reminder Date" so I can see the date and time when I set future reminders in a single screen. I would like to see the same of "Due Date" as well...J
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Post by Telesto »

Sorry, I didn't grasp it before. Or more probable: I didn't read you post carefully enough.

I'm not to fond of the idea having (hard-coded) grouping options like: "Reminder Date" or "Due Date". It's pretty specific. But well, I get why you ask it. As a workaround for the limitation of perspective filtering being limited to single section

Some idea's
  • Ability to add and configure custom grouping options for the global search panel, similar to the setting in the perspective configuration window. Which would give you all the flexibility needed. I desired the ability to group the Global search results of (all notebooks) by notebook in my workflow a while back.
  • The Go To Anything (GTA) dialog can also search multiple sections at once (notes tab). Which could - in theory - also be a way to create the perspective spanning multiple sections. However, isn't supporting "Special Attributes" and lacks a grouping option at this point.
  • A tab (in the list of other section tabs) which encompasses all the information of other sections within the databases ('combined section'). Which would be a read only list; being unable to add new items. You can modify the note content and have the ability to use various perspectives. Enabling this future could be done in "Section Properties", in case the section being empty Even more advanced: a merged tab, where you can define which sections of the database should be included in the combined section.
FWIW: I must admit I still not really seeing the point of the GTA dialog. Same can (or could) be done with Global Search with some "Special Attribute". For example searching for a section: section:XYZ. Or search All databases starting with music for section(s) Jazz. database:music* section:jazz. Except design currently based presenting hits by note (and grouping them as such); so the Global Search is - currently - unable to present the result.
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Post by noone22 »

Ability to add and configure custom grouping options for the global search panel, similar to the setting in the perspective configuration window. Which would give you all the flexibility needed. I desired the ability to group the Global search results of (all notebooks) by notebook in my workflow a while back. - I would prefer the custom option also.

Ideal Situation...
Create a Global Perspective
Create a section ie: Reminders / Due Date, etc
In that section view the Global Perspective to all of Reminders or Due Dates across all sections in a single section with any additional columns

Essentially, I am looking to see all notes that contain a future reminder / due date and to see the date, comment and probably other attributes in a central section.

To sum it up, kind of like an Agenda pane for the notes that contain reminders and due dates, that way I know what I need to work on this week and what is coming up next week and the following weeks.

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