Version 4.0 Feature List

Legacy MyInfo versions topics and topics that are no longer relevant
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Version 4.0 Feature List

Post by gcoulthard »

As an evaluator of your software (haven't yet purchased), I would like to see a version 4.0 feature list. Some of the suggestions on this board have been very good. But most have gone by without any comment from the developers. While I agree that there must be some balance between "code bloat" or featuritis and granting users their every whim, an idea of the developer's mindset would be appreciated.

What I would suggest is a list of those features that you have decided worthy of including in the next release, those that you are putting off for the future, and those that you have no plans to pursue. This would make my purchase decision that much easier.

Currently, I am using TreePad (for my older data), My Notes Keeper (for current data), ConnectedText (for some wiki implementations), and PersonalBrain/MindManager for visually-related data. I would like to replace My Notes Keeper (MNK at with MyInfo, since they have stalled their development cycle. However, MNK has features that I quite like -- Ruler bar with tab/indent markers, table formatting, and bullets/numbering for paragraphs. Personally, I want to ensure that MyInfo is contemplating this more comprehensive collection of RTF functionality.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
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Post by kf »

A good request! I can understand where a developer may not want to share certain ideas because of the chance of having competition steal them... but, some sort of roadmap would be greatly appreciated. JanRif alluded to the lack of communication on these boards. I think this is one area that could be easily amended. A feature roadmap could be on the main site, the forum, or even in a downloadable MyInfo file.

MyInfo Support
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

We will begin the development of MyInfo 4 soon, so I think we can create a simple roadmap for MyInfo 4.

Please note that there is always a risk some of the features in the road map to turn out impossible/unsuitable to do and/or very time consuming and to be excluded from the final product.
MyInfo Support
Posts: 3299
Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

You can see a list of the most important new features planned for MyInfo 4 here: