Myinfo & Firefox questions

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Myinfo & Firefox questions

Post by velivolus »

First, I am wondering if there is a way to move selections of text to Myinfo from Firefox, without manually copying, moving to Myinfo and then pasting. In my experience so far the "send to my info" command only works for sending entire webpages. However, most of the time I would just like to send selected bits of text or graphics from webpages back to Myinfo. I would like to be able to select a passage and then be able to click "send to my info" to just have that sent to Myinfo. Is there a way to do this? I am aware of the "autopaste" function, but this is not convenient for me to use, because I am often copying/pasting in word processing applications for editing purposes, and do not want what I am copying there to be moved to Myinfo.

My other question concerns moving text to Myinfo from Firefox which contains non-Western language text, like Chinese or Russian. I have noticed that if I copy text which contains Chinese characters into Myinfo, all that shows up where the Chinese characters should be is a row of question marks (?????). However, if I copy the same text into my word processing application, the characters show up correctly--and if I then copy that text from the word processing application to Myinfo, the characters show up correctly in Myinfo as well. But for some reason the characters will not display correctly if transferred directly from Firefox to Myinfo. Is there any fix for this? It would sure make things easier if I could transfer text with non-Western language material directly into Myinfo, and have it show up there, instead of needing to go through my word processor first!

Thanks for your help.
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Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:47 am

Post by velivolus »

Never mind my first question -- I just figured it out! I needed to drag the Myinfo Icon to the toolbar. Before I was only getting a "send to myinfo" showing up in the contextual menu.

So now I just need to figure out how to get non-western language data to show up in myinfo when directly copied there. I just tried copying a selection with some Chinese characters using the Myinfo icon--and as usual the characters did not show up in Myinfo. So using the icon selection-copy feature doesn't seem to change that.
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Post by Petko »

velivolus, unfortunately MyInfo and Firefox do not cooperate well with Chinese characters. Russian characters work fine when sent from Firefox to MyInfo, but Chinese don't.

Currently you have to do the extra step (first copy the Chinese text to Word and then paste it in MyInfo) in order to copy Chinese text from Firefox to MyInfo.

Please note that we are aware of this issue and are looking for a way to fix it in the next versions, in order to able to send Chinese text directly from Firefox to MyInfo.
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Post by gtdhacker »

I cannot seem to get chinese characters to work. I can directly enter Chinese characters using the global IME from the operating system. However, if clipped from either the IE, firefox, Word 2003, or OpenOffice Word, they won't work. I can only see garbage. Is there any plan to support Chinese in the near future?
MyInfo Support
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

We will work on improving the Chinese and other Asian languages support once we release MyInfo 4 beta.