phrase searching

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phrase searching

Post by wsp »

Petko, I've just downloaded the new version (4.2), and I'm delighted to have phrase searching at last; but it took me a few minutes to realize that there's an error in the help file. The example there is enclosed in double quotes, but I find that phrase searching works for me only with single quotes. If I'm right, I assume you'll want to revise the help file.

But congratulations.
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Post by Petko »

There is no error in the help file - it should work with double quotes (and it should not find phrases, when using single quotes).

I am trying to reproduce this problem, but it works for me. Could you give me an example?

What happens, if you type John Smith in a document and then try to find it using the example from the help file ("John Smith")?
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Post by wsp »

Petko, I see now that the note I wrote yesterday was not entirely accurate, but I still have not been successful in doing phrase searches.

I have typed John Smith into one of my documents. Then I did a search for "John Smith" and found nothing. Second, I did a search for 'John Smith' and found every topic in which both John and Smith appeared; in other words, the search functioned just as if I had not used the single quotes and simply found every occurrence of John and Smith.

So you are right that single quotes do not achieve phrase searching; but for me, neither do double quotes. I wonder if any other users are having this problem?

Incidentally, the asterisk for partial matches and the minus sign for exclusion do work for me.
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Post by Petko »

Maybe I have found the problem. Could you see, if you get different results, when the case of the phrase is the same as the case of the text? For example "JOHN SMITH" should find JOHN SMITH, but would not find John Smith or john smith.

Could you confirm that this is the problem?
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Post by wsp »

Petko, yes, phrase search does seem to be case-sensitive. So now it works for me. Thanks very much.

I did discover one small anomaly in doing more test searches. "John Smith" also turned up one document in my topic that contained John and Smith but not next to each other. I'm not sure why that happened. I then created a test document containing John and Smith with a word between them, and a "John Smith" phrase search did not find that one. So I assume there's just something odd about that one document, and I'm not really worried about that. Aside from that, phrase search is now performing nicely for me -- though you'll want to put a warning in the help file that it is case-sensitive.
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Post by Petko »

We will release an update very soon, where the phrase search will be case-insensitive, because we see that this creates more confusion, than helping.
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Post by jamal »

Petko, I installed version 4.2, and phrase search with double quotes seems to work for me, but I find an issue with hit-highlighting. Searching for "David Ryan" highlights David Ryan alright, but also highlights any individual occurrence(s) of David or Ryan in the same document.
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Post by wsp »

Just another thought about searching.

It's wonderful that the power of the search box has now been extended (though I gather that the Boolean "or" is still not possible?), but to make the search even more powerful, it really ought to be coordinated with the tags. I would like to be able to do something like the following in the search box:

tag:collecting "rare books"

The MI tags are already extremely useful, but they cannot be connected with searches, except through filters, which are too time-consuming to create for one-time searches. I would like to see at least some of the capabilities of the filters moved into the search box.
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Post by wsp »

P.S. -- Another way of achieving this (searching for tags and words/phrases simultaneously) is to put the tags in a column in the tree, as Evernote does. (That also simplifies the application of tags tremendously: you simply drag a tag into a note--or document, to use MyInfo-speak.) Then you could select one or more tags in the tag column, and narrow the search further by typing a word or phrase in the search box.

Evernote is an excellent program, with especially speedy and effortless searches, but it doesn't organize information nearly as well as MyInfo does. If MI had both its present tree hierarchy and -- in an adjoining column -- a list of tags that could be applied or selected as in Evernote, it would become a spectacularly powerful program, and it would bring to an end the endless debates about the relative superiority of tags and trees. MI would have both, side by side.
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Post by Petko »

Excellent ideas here. We will consider all that for MyInfo 5.
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Post by Petko »

Petko wrote:We will release an update very soon, where the phrase search will be case-insensitive, because we see that this creates more confusion, than helping.
jamal wrote:Petko, I installed version 4.2, and phrase search with double quotes seems to work for me, but I find an issue with hit-highlighting. Searching for "David Ryan" highlights David Ryan alright, but also highlights any individual occurrence(s) of David or Ryan in the same document.
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Post by jamal »

Thank you for the fix.
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Post by wsp »

Petko, thanks for this speedy upgrade, but when I clicked your link, it took me to a web page offering only the trial version of 4.21. Where is the download for registered users?
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Post by wsp »

Sorry, I just reread your note, and I finally realized that it meant following the link in your original e-mail announcement of 4.2.

So now I have installed 4.21, and it is humming along nicely. Merry Christmas.