Version 5.01: Embedded MS Excel Files

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Version 5.01: Embedded MS Excel Files

Post by jamal »

I am having problems with existing embedded MS Excel files (that were added in earlier versions of MyInfo).

1) Edits are not getting saved (left click on Excel icon -> Edit File -> make changes -> save and exit Excel -> Save Changes)
2) To verify the changes, I tried to view the file: Left click on Excel icon again -> click on View File... Nothing happens. Double clicking on the document name in the tree view does nothing either.
3) If you Edit File again, it opens the file in Excel, but I can see that the changes are not saved.

This is the scenario on Windows Vista. On Windows XP, Excel comes up with a blank sheet, hangs and has to be terminated from the Task Manager.

I tested a newly created and embedded Excel file. Seems to work fine. It also has a nice interface for viewing and editing ("Click to View" and "Click to Edit" links). Existing files don't have this. Instead, when you select or click on them, they pop a "File Download" dialog box.
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Post by Crystal401 »

I tested the same steps on my machine as I also embed Excel a lot.

Windows XP.
MI 5.01

Prior embedded xls (2003) and xlsx files work without problems.

I have about 100+ xls files embedded in a topic (< 5 mb size each)

Curious what causes the problem on your machine...
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Post by jamal »


The problem seems to be happening with xls file type. To test, I saved few of them in Excel 2007 xlsx format and reinserted in MyInfo, and they work fine.

The same xls files that are having problem with MI 5.01 are working fine in MI 4.31 on the same computer.

I am using Portable MyInfo. I don't know if that makes a difference.
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Post by Petko »

Jamal, I can confirm that problem. The fact that the files are not saved after editing is caused by the fact that MyInfo opens "xls" files in the internal editor. However this does not work on all computers, so the file is not shown at all in your case. We will fix the Edit File command for this case.

As for the View File command not working - it is the same case, but this time it could not be fixed directly. So, we will add View File (External) command, which will always open the file for viewing in external application, even if its file extension is in the list of files that MyInfo tries to open in the internal editor.
Posts: 198
Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:29 pm

Post by jamal »

Thanks for the information. So, the fix will bring up xls files also in external windows - just as xlsx files? Then, I guess, for consistency, you can provide the same user interface for both file types ("click to edit" and "click to view" links in the top frame). Why not add the other two functions - "save as" and "delete" - also there (together) and eliminate the icon's function context menu?

By the way, context menu by left click is non-standard and feels odd. Shouldn't that be right click? Once you start introducing non-standard interfaces, it will add up inconsistent behavior, and at some point it is going to effect the overall user experience. Just a thought.