Database corrpuption

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Database corrpuption

Post by dbroccardo »

In trying out the demo version of MyInfo, I have had a few random crashes that I've reported to the author. Have any experienced users lost any data when you've had MyInfo crash? I am concerned that as my database grows, one crash could corrupt the entire file (losing the data since my last save).
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Post by katravax »

Speaking for myself, I've been using it since version 2 and never lost anything.

Gene Smith, author of the book Tagging: People-Powered Metadata for the Social Web, in Appendix 3, spends about a page on MyInfo and how he used it to write an early revision of the book.
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Post by dbroccardo »

I'm curious, how large is your .mio file?
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Post by katravax »

Bunches of them, from a few K to 100 MB. My most active are in the 2 MB - 10 MB range. I keep some of the project-oriented files in version control (QVCS) with other project files.

Also, don't forget about the automatic backups. That's another safety.
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Post by Focus »

I use it for several years now with multiple (12-20) open topics. Largest topic is 120MB.

Never lost data...
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Post by arrowman »

I have 50 MByte or so in 8 MyInfo files that I'm using for years. I've lost some data only once, and that problem has since been fixed.