zoom and tiling

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zoom and tiling

Post by wsp »

I think both of these subjects have been raised earlier (by myself and others), but, for whatever it's worth, here are the two missing features in MyInfo that I need most badly:

(1) The ability to zoom the text of notes. I use MyInfo on several computers and screens, and I find it's impossible to establish a default font size that works well on all of them. In particular, with my tiny netbook (a Vaio P), I can hardly read the notes in MyInfo. Nearly all word-processing programs and most other note-taking software make it possible for me to temporarily enlarge or reduce font sizes through a zoom feature. Why can't MyInfo do that?

(2) As a writer, I desperately need to be able to see (and occasionally edit) more than one document at a time. At the moment, in MyInfo, I can tile two or more documents from different topics, but I cannot tile multiple documents from the same topic. This is a very serious limitation. At times I have even fantasized about moving all my notes into UltraEdit, because it has such a wonderful system of tiling; I won't do that, of course, because I would have to give up so many other attractive features of MyInfo. But I wish something could be done about this major deficiency in MyInfo.

Petko, is there any hope of progress on either of these fronts?
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Post by Petko »

Zoom is likely to appear in some of the future versions of MyInfo, but I can't give any specific details yet.

As for seeing multiple notes at once, this is a feature which will be soon part of MyInfo as discussed earlier in this forum. You will be able to open documents in separate windows and tile them as stand-alone Windows applications.