MyInfo 5.50 Beta feedback

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MyInfo 5.50 Beta feedback

Post by Petko »

Please share everything related to MyInfo 5.50 Beta here.
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Post by wsp »

Petko, I downloaded the beta this afternoon, and I am much impressed by some of the new features -- in particular, the search and replace, the pop-up windows, and the improved handling of tags.

Here are just a few initial observations.

I installed the portable version so that it wouldn't conflict with 5.07. As a result it doesn't pick up any of my customizations (tree font, tree and document background colors, keyboard shortcuts, etc.). I assume that when I eventually install the final version of 5.5 (not the portable version, of course), it will transfer over my preferences?

Here is something odd that I think is also present in 5.07: I have created a custom date attribute in some of my documents in order to organize some historical notes chronologically. In other words, if I am recording information from an 1850 census, I assign the date of 1/1/1850 to that note. But when I view those dated documents in the filtered view and click on that attribute, I get the notes sorted in this order: [all dates before 1900], [undated notes], [all dates from 1900 onward]. It seems to me that, logically, the undated notes should appear at the beginning or the end but not in the middle.

My custom dates would also make the calendar very useful, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be designed for this sort of historical material. There is no easy way of clicking rapidly from one year to another; at most, I can move forward and backward only a few months at a time. For the sake of us who are immersed in earlier centuries, couldn't you add a couple of extra arrows or buttons to the calendar?
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Post by Petko »

wsp wrote:I installed the portable version so that it wouldn't conflict with 5.07. As a result it doesn't pick up any of my customizations (tree font, tree and document background colors, keyboard shortcuts, etc.). I assume that when I eventually install the final version of 5.5 (not the portable version, of course), it will transfer over my preferences?
Yes, it will transfer everything just right.
wsp wrote:Here is something odd that I think is also present in 5.07: I have created a custom date attribute in some of my documents in order to organize some historical notes chronologically. In other words, if I am recording information from an 1850 census, I assign the date of 1/1/1850 to that note. But when I view those dated documents in the filtered view and click on that attribute, I get the notes sorted in this order: [all dates before 1900], [undated notes], [all dates from 1900 onward]. It seems to me that, logically, the undated notes should appear at the beginning or the end but not in the middle.

My custom dates would also make the calendar very useful, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be designed for this sort of historical material. There is no easy way of clicking rapidly from one year to another; at most, I can move forward and backward only a few months at a time. For the sake of us who are immersed in earlier centuries, couldn't you add a couple of extra arrows or buttons to the calendar?
There is no easy way to change these things currently, I am afraid, but I will look into them.
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Post by Crystal401 »

Hi Petko,

Was hoping that you had a chance to look at this:

With MI5.5, I still can not cut 2+ documents in filter view to paste it at a
particular location after I change back to tree view.
Would appreciate it if you could take a look at this.

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Post by wsp »

Petko, I have been experimenting with the wiki links today: a very nice new feature. Clever.

But just one observation: the dropdown box that opens after typing [[ is so small that it's difficult to navigate with the slider. Could it perhaps be enlarged somewhat?
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Post by gjdm »

Hi Petko,

I am playing with the 5.50 beta version. Where should I post bugs and problems found on this version? Is here the right place?

One problem I found is when opening a read-only window and closing the read-only window by clicking the red cross icon. Then after there are problems with the paste function. For example if I copy a link to a document in the clipboard, I am not able to paste it in another document. When pasting, nothing is inserted. To solve the problem I have to open a read-only window and click on the edit button, if I try then to paste, the link is correctly inserted.
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Post by Dr.J »

I installed the Portable version and try to work with it each day. The "reminder" feature is a start but needs to include time of day and a robust recurrence feature.

I hope you are still working on some form of a functional "hoisting" that can be launched either from the tree or a filter. I can think of several ways that might be done. It's important.

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Post by mfelix »

Petko, I've tested the MyInfo Beta with my topics and found no problems. Since I'm a new user the number of topics isn't that big, so don't weigh that information too high.
I did a multiple platform check so at least I can assure you the beta runs under Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista.

I've tested all the new features and found no problems. The plugin dll handle release after usage works well, thanks !
I came across some problems when using the internal browser, but they are not related to the beta, so I will write about them separately.

The readonly window as a second view on an article got me a bit confused. I didn't expect to find the window outside of the MyInfo frame. To me this is not in line with the consistent look & feel you have with MyInfo. Would it be possible to integrate that view with the other windows so that it would be listed under the windows menu ?

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Post by wsp »

Petko, I too continue to experiment with the beta, and so far I have not discovered any bugs. Can you perhaps give us an estimate of when the final version will be released?

I think you hinted earlier that in the official release you might include additional buttons in the search panel to move through individual hits. I'd like to cast a strong vote of support for that feature again.
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Post by Fred »

The absence of this was indeed the first point I immediately saw - which indicates that for me too, that's indeed a very important feature, independently of your way of implementing it.

But rushing the final 5.5 for these things would be an error. I, for example, am willing to pay for 6.0 BEFORE it comes out, so you could make a sort of a "subscription" for it in the way, 5.7, 5.8 would contain some features of 6.0, but would only be given out to new customers and to existing customers having paid their update to 6.0 already. This way, we could profit from some features "before time"... and without having you to deliver them for free!

And then, perhaps, the little things soon, and wasp's feature in 3 months? And of course, those pre-delivered features of 6.0 would "count" for 6.0, and thus, nobody would say, those were in the 5... range, and the 6.0 is "nothing", then: promised! ;-)
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Post by Dr.J »


I have worked with the beta for the last month. In general, it works well. I have the following suggestions:
1. Reminders
Should be more robust
Permit programed recurrences
Include time as well as date
Appear in an optional docked pane
2. Favorites
I like it as a bar but could see it as an optional docked pane
I would eliminate the bar [tree/filter/tags/calender] at the bottom of the tree/filter pane and include those choices in
the favorite bar or vice versa but not have both
3. Insert Document from file:
Does not work drag and drop from PowerDesk but does from Windows Explorer.
.xls and .xslx file images do not show up in either the "notes" or "imbedded file" panes even though empowered in Options.
4. Please keep working on some form of a "hoist". The lack of one is a glaring deficiency.
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Post by Fred »

"I have worked with the beta for the last month. In general, it works well."

Oh my God. I comment on this in my thread "Two Hints".
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Post by jamal »

I'm having problem copying & pasting (text) from web pages. Doesn't paste at all. I can copy & paste the same stuff into MI 5.07 on the same computer with no issues. I'm running Portable MI 5.50Beta with Windows 7 and IE 8.
Last edited by jamal on Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jamal »


In MI 5.07 and earlier, I was experiencing an issue with setting the width of the tree editor pane. Seemed like MI was not remembering the width setting from session to session and I had to readjust it every time. Never got around reporting it though. As a pleasant surprise, 5.50Beta doesn't seem to have this issue. I can change the setting and it sticks! Did you make any changes or is it just a coincidence?
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Post by jamal »

One more issue: If you highlight some text in the text editor with a color, and then want to highlight another text with the same color, it doesn't work. Scenario as follows:

1. Select a text in the text editor.
2. Pull down highlight color pallet and click on a color.
Result: The text gets highlighted with the color.
3. Select another text to highlight.
4. Pull down the color pallet and click on the SAME color.
Result: Nothing happens.

Workaround is to highlight with a different color and then highlight again with the previous color. Same color doesn't work in sequence.