[fixed in mi3.56] Search not working

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[fixed in mi3.56] Search not working

Post by TimZ »

From Help:

>> Documents must contain all search words, in order MyInfo to include them in the search results.

When I enter two search terms, the results do not necessarily include the 2nd term. In fact, the 2nd word has nothing to do with the records returned.

For example, searching for "web rattlesnake" (I don't happen to have any docs containing the word "rattlesnake" everything with "web" is returned. "rattlesnake" is ignored.

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Post by Petko »

This is a bug. It will be fixed in the next release.
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Post by TimZ »

Petko wrote:This is a bug. It will be fixed in the next release.
Glad to see the updated version and expected it to perform as stated in the email:

>>... search now finds only documents containing all search terms

However, sadly this not the case. For me anyway. The search still performs exactly as I described above in this thread-- only sees the first word and simply ignores whatever 2nd or subsequent word I enter as search term.

Am I missing something???
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Post by Petko »

Tim, it works for us. Could you please send me a file that you have problems with at support@milenix.com Maybe the problem is in the file, not in the program?
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Post by patnpm »

I still have the same problem
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Post by TimZ »

Petko wrote:Tim, it works for us. Could you please send me a file that you have problems with at support@milenix.com Maybe the problem is in the file, not in the program?
Testing a bit further, I'm finding that if I only have one topic open, it appears to work. However I have notes broken down in several topics and with more than one topic open, search does not work.

For example, I made a very simple 3 document .mio file: "SearchTest.mio"

Doc 1 contains:
  • January
Doc 2 contains:
  • alligator
Doc 3 contains:
  • Red

With only that one topic open, searching for "january alligator" finds nothing as it should. Same with "yellow june".

However with several topics open, it gets weird. Search for "june alligator" and returns every document in all topics with the word "june" and completely ignores "alligator". In fact, it doesn't even find the doc in "searchtest.mio" that _does_ have June in it.
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Post by rbrock »

First, I hope you don't mind me using this topic - it just seems like the right place.

So I like to mark items for later review in text with easy to see characters like >> or [TD] (mean ToDo). However, when I search for the string '[TD]' the search returns no results. Sure I can search for just TD, but that also finds words with 'td' in it. If I used characters like >> ir @@ to highlight an item, search won't find those at all.

Is there something 'magic' about non-alpha characters/symbols that search chooses ignore them?

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Post by TimZ »

rbrock wrote: Is there something 'magic' about non-alpha characters/symbols that search chooses ignore them?
Add this to my frustration as well. I use multiple email accounts for biz & personal. I also keep notes where I record different exchanges from each account. There does not appear to be any way at all to search for an email address such as myname@mydomain.com.

IMO, the usefulness of the program in general is directly proportional to one's ability to be able to find information among all the stored docs one has on file.

I'll hang in there a bit longer to see if the problems under discussion can be resolved.
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Post by Petko »

TimZ, you are right. The problem you mentioned is not completely fixed in the latest version. When we add the request for not indexing most non-alpha characters and patnpm complaint, I think that this is a good moment to do a major overhaul of the searching engine.

The next version of MyInfo will no longer omit most non-alpha characters when indexing topic content. The only non-searchable characters will be:
(space character)
(new line character)
- (in the beginning of a word)
* (in the beginning of a word)

In order this to work MyInfo will reindex all your topics, which may take a while, but it will improve your searching experience thereafter.
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Post by TimZ »

Petko wrote:TimZ, you are right. The problem you mentioned is not completely fixed in the latest version. When we add the request for not indexing most non-alpha characters and patnpm complaint, I think that this is a good moment to do a major overhaul of the searching engine.
Petko-- will this overhaul also solve the search problem described in the 1st part of this thread? That's actually a much bigger issue for me anyway.
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Post by Petko »

TimZ wrote:
Petko wrote:TimZ, you are right. The problem you mentioned is not completely fixed in the latest version. When we add the request for not indexing most non-alpha characters and patnpm complaint, I think that this is a good moment to do a major overhaul of the searching engine.
Petko-- will this overhaul also solve the search problem described in the 1st part of this thread? That's actually a much bigger issue for me anyway.
Yes, it will fix it.
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Post by TimZ »

Yes, it will fix it.[/quote]


I received the email re. the update, installed and reran/reindexed-- everything (went quiclky) now seems to work perfectly.

Thank you very much for your quick response to this issue. I was going to ask for an estimate of "how long" it would take-- but I got the update before I could ask the question.

Great work.
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Post by rbrock »

Version 3.56 seems to have fixed the issue I was seeing. Thanks for the quick response and update.