two things: outlining and search box in webpage export

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two things: outlining and search box in webpage export

Post by bp »

I love this program more and more. I've been fiddling around with the outline functionality in MyInfo. From what I gather, it works like this: we just basically type everything in the tree section instead of the editor pane-- and then MI effectively becomes a single pane outliner with the bonus of data collection in the left pane...While this is great, it seems that we would then lose the functionality of the editor window, spell checks, etc. Still this solution is still better than most... There is just one problem-- sometimes some children text won't wrap in the window...then some of the text is hidden. Any suggestions?

As for the second question, I've been exporting my little outlines to share information with various people and I love this to death! Just one question, is there any way to add a search box to the webpage so that people can search the entire outline quickly rather than browse through each entry?

Thanks for this awesome program. It was worth every penny I paid for this (the professional version is just incredible!).
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Post by wsp »

The second suggestion is excellent. It's something I've often thought about too.
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Post by Petko »

bp wrote:There is just one problem-- sometimes some children text won't wrap in the window...then some of the text is hidden. Any suggestions?
Could you send us some sample outline with this problem at
bp wrote: Just one question, is there any way to add a search box to the webpage so that people can search the entire outline quickly rather than browse through each entry?
I will add this to the list of improvements to the web site export that we are planning to add in some of the next versions.
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Post by wsp »

Petko, a few more thoughts about the website export:

I would like to be able to modify the CSS file through a menu (e.g., background color, default font, left and right margin, etc.). I can do this now by manually changing the CSS file, but it's rather time-consuming to have to go into that file every time I generate another set of HTML files.

I would also like to be able to control more precisely the background color and fonts in the tree file, and I would much prefer to have top-level documents in the file menu clickable in order to hide or display subdocuments (just as we do now in MyInfo itself).

I don't find it ideal to have a generic "Welcome" file as the default file. I would prefer to choose one of my own documents as the default.
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Post by Tester »

Bill, as you have only a few days ago visited the forum, I think that it makes sense to comment a posting of you although it is already more than 4 years old. :wink:
wsp wrote:[...] a few more thoughts about the website export:

I would like to be able to modify the CSS file through a menu (e.g., background color, default font, left and right margin, etc.). I can do this now by manually changing the CSS file, but it's rather time-consuming to have to go into that file every time I generate another set of HTML files.
That's something that I thought about too. And I found a quite satisfying workaround so that I do not have to change the CSS file every time:

- I changed the CSS file one time manually according to my needs (background color etc.).
- I saved this file on my computer, outside of the folder with the website version of my topic/database.
- After each creation of a new wepage version of the topic, I simply exchange the CSS file: I remove the default CSS file from the folder and instead I put my customized one into the folder.
This works fine for me.
wsp wrote: I don't find it ideal to have a generic "Welcome" file as the default file. I would prefer to choose one of my own documents as the default.
I created my own welcome document.
It was only necessary to find a way that it is always the first in the list (which apart from this "leading document" has to be always strictly alphabetical for my needs). And this was easy: I simply put two asterisks ** before the title of this document (and two asterisks after it so that it looks more symmetric :wink: ).
(Of course it would work with another number of asterisks too, and with other special characters also, I think. That's simply a matter of taste.)

Here only a screenshot and no link because my trial website looks a little bit different at the moment:


---> Whenever someone would open the website he will see this page (with the foto in the center, which I have cut only in order to make the screenshot smaller).

Important are the two asterisks (or whatever you prefer) at the beginning of the title of the document that you would like to have as welcome page (in my example: **STARTSEITE**).

I hope I could help a little bit.
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Post by wsp »

Thanks for the suggestions. I had reached the same conclusion about retaining a default CSS file in a separate folder, but I was lazy and didn't pursue all of its implications. My CSS skills are very minimal, and I still think it ought to be possible for Petko to set up a few options so that we don't have to go through these contortions to create a simple website.

Improving the website-generator (with a search box -- please!) would make MyInfo much more competitive against other note-taking programs.
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Post by Tester »

wsp wrote: Improving the website-generator (with a search box -- please!)
Yes, please. :wink: A search possibility on the website and a more refined search option for document titles within the program itself (as described by me in another thread - this would make MyInfo next to perfect for my needs. The search matter is the crucial point for me. At the moment I do not know if I should stay with Azzcardfile (which has an excellent search possibility and in general works very well) or change to MyInfo Professional (which has the tempting feature of exporting as website but considerably less comfortable search functions which of course play an important role in case of a dictionary).
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