Underlined word leads to underlining the whole text in html

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Underlined word leads to underlining the whole text in html

Post by Tester »

Obivously a small bug concerning the "export as website" function in the professional edition:

When the first characters (either letters or numbers) in a document are underlined, in the html-version of this document the complete text within this document becomes underlined.
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Post by Petko »

I could not reproduce this. Could you give me more details?
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:08 pm

Post by Tester »

Petko, first of all thank you for your interest in my comments, here and in the other threads.

I tried again now several times, and indeed first I could not reproduce it too. But finally it happened again.

I copy and paste text from Word (from normal doc-files) to MyInfo (not the whole text from a document, but a quite small part of it, usually several lines).
My version of Word is: Word 2002 (SP 3)
Operating System: Windows 7 (Home Premium)

Please compare the result in form of the following documents created with MyInfo:

Document "Test (1)":

Take a look at the first letter of the text (the "a") - it is underlined (as it is in the Word-document too):


And this is the (ugly) appearance of the html-file after making the export as website. All the text is underlined:


Document "Test (2)":

In this case I have copied and pasted exactly the same text from Word, but in the editor of MyInfo I removed the underlining of the first letter (= the "a") (I did not even change the bold type of this letter, so the bold is obviously of no influence for the issue):


And here the corresponding html-version. It looks exactly like it should (apart from the line spacing issue discussed in the other thread):

Posts: 176
Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:08 pm

Post by Tester »

Accidentally I found out one case when it may happen (as I have seen, it does not happen with every document, but at least with one):

Let's assume I have a document with the following 3 first lines (followed by others, all pasted from a Word document):

1st line: one word (written in blue, but I think the color is of no importance)
2nd line: empty
3rd line: beginning with one character (a number in this case) that is underlined (and in bold): 1)

Let's also assume that the empty line was produced by setting down the line with the underlined character (by pressing the Enter-key). The effect is that for the empty line the attributes "Underlined" and "Bold" remain in effect (it can be seen by the highlighted icons "B" and "U" in the toolbar or by typing some letters in the empty line).

Finally let's assume that the font size is the same in all lines (12 in my case).

With these assumptions after the export to Website (html) all is o.k.:


And now I change the font size (!) for the first line from 12 to 14.
The effect is that after the export to Website every line of the document is underlined!
Here is a picture of the seven first lines (it continues in this way until the end of the document):


When I change the font size in the first line back to 12, the undesired underlining has gone again.

Petko, if you want to reproduce it and if you have still my topic, please try it with the above document (title: "ABBRECHEN").
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