I create hyperlinks
- a) to a certain document (of my topic) in general (I call them in the following "red hyperlinks" according to the color I use in the picture below for the appropriate option in MyInfo);
- b) to a specific paragraph in a certain document of my topic (by having created before an anchor at this specific point by right mouse click and click on the option "Copy Link to This Paragraph"). (I call them below "yellow hyperlinks".)
When creating a hyperlink, this window opens immediately (after every first start of MyInfo):

- For creating "red hyperlinks" I click on "Link to: Document in Topic". Then in the right field appears a list of all my documents from which I can select the document I want to link to.
- For creating "yellow hyperlinks" I remain at (or click on) "Link to: File or Web Page", and in the right (small) field I paste the address of the anchor.
As mentioned above, whenever opening MyInfo for the first time, the window for hyperlinks starts as shown in the picture above, that means with selected the option "Link to: File or Web Page". In case that I do not want to use an anchor but to create a "red hyperlink", I click on "Document in Topic" and the list of documents opens immediately - without any delay.
The strange thing happens the next time when I want to create another link of this type (= a "red hyperlink"): There is now a significant delay until the window for creating hyperlinks (this time with the documents list) opens. I would say the delay is about 15 to 20 seconds.
This delay remains whenever I continue to create other "red hyperlinks".
The delay disappears in two cases:
- When I change back to the option "File or Web Page" (in order to create a "yellow hyperlink"). After creating this link and closing the hyperlink-window, the next time it opens again immediately.
- By closing MyInfo and opening it again. Then I continue as described above for the first opening of MyInfo.
Is there a possibility to eliminate this delay?