[fixed in 6.31] Concerning "Go back" and "Go Forward"

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[fixed in 6.31] Concerning "Go back" and "Go Forward"

Post by Tester »

In the toolbar you can find two arrows in a blue circle, one pointing to the left, one to the right. By clicking on these buttons you can go to the previously viewed document respectively to the "next document in the navigation history".

Beside these bigger arrows are two smaller ones in black. If you click on them, obviously a list of all these relevant documents (up to a certain amount) should open. But in practice until now I was not able to use this possibility because I do not understand how these lists work:

Here the situation for the previously viewed documents (blue arrow pointing to the left):


I do not understand why there is always a free space between certain documents. And indeed the list is not complete, for example the document I had viewed as the last one (or the one before the last) is missing. I assume it should be there where instead the free space can be seen.*

Let's say I am at document Y and previously I had opened the documents B, F, M and X.
So it would be logical that the list shows me exactly these 4 titles (all of them and without spaces between them). But this does not happen.

*) Edit: Indeed. I clicked into the free space and the relevant document opened! So there is obviously a problem with the display of the document titles in the list.

And here a picture for the "Go Forward" function (blue arrow pointing to the right):


I have the impression that this function works more reliable, but as you can see in the picture, there is again a free space where a title of a document should be mentioned.

As you can also see, in this list the documents are numbered which I regard useful. In the other list (with the previously viewed documents) such numbers do not exist.
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Post by Petko »

Is there something unusual with the names of the missing documents? Do they for example have whitespace in the beginning?
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Post by Tester »

No, nothing special. It is always the same type: a word in capital letters (followed sometimes by an article). No whitespace at the beginning.

A certain difference I realized just now: Sometimes I type the titles directly into the tree, other times I add them by pasting them from Word (respectively from the text pane of MyInfo). But I tested it just now: this cannot be the reason of the disappearance of the titles in the list: I added three new document titles manually (= typing the titles directly into the tree), calling them DOK 1, DOK 2, DOK 3. Afterwards I tried to use the "Go Back" function, but the titles are not here (only the white space plus the document I viewed afterwards, with the title "EINWAND, der"):


And again, when clicking into the white space (which respresents the three new document titles) I was able to open/view one of these three documents (which one depends on the exact point of the white space where I click).

After viewing other (already existing) documents, the white space becomes smaller (sometimes it disappears completely) but the titles are still not displayed. On the other hand, suddenly the document title "EINWAND, der" is strangely shown two times:


Another detail which might be of interest:

I now established the alphabetical order for my documents (by clicking on "Sort Ascending" = the button "AZ" with the arrow downwoards). That means that the new documents (DOC 1 etc.) changed their place in the tree. And suddenly now their titles can be seen when using the "Go Back" function (I had viewed DOC 2 and DOC 3 after creating the alphabetical order):


But nevertheless afterwards the same thing happens as before:
The titles of viewed documents either disappear from the Go back list or they are not displayed there at all.
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Post by Petko »

Thanks for the additional info. I have found and fixed the problem. An updated version will be available next week.
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Joined: Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:08 pm

Post by Tester »

:D Fine. Thanks!