This time it concerns the search function "Find text" (Ctrl + F, respectively the button with the binoculars).
Let's assume I search for the follwing 4 words / search items (within a document):
When typing the respective word in the field "Find what" the search is successful.
Afterwards these 4 words are in the dropdown list (which contains the history of the words I was already looking for):

The problem arises when later I select one of the words of the dropdown list in order to search for it again in my document. After clicking "Find Next" the following error message appears:

As you can see in the above picture, the error message does not even mention the correct word (search item) but instead it refers to some search item "" (= only two quotation marks). So obviously already here is something wrong.
And when opening afterwards the dropdown list, we see the same thing as in the Go back / Go forward feature before the problem was fixed there:
The search items disappear after the unsuccessful attempt to use them. Instead the line is blank.
Here the word "BERG" is missing (but "DORT" is still here):

After trying to make a new search for "DORT" too (by using its entry in the dropdown list), this search item has also gone:

Something else concerning the window "Find and Replace" (not necessary to open a new thread for it):
A word in the user interface is incomplete: