Checkbox Font

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Eddie T
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Checkbox Font

Post by Eddie T »

I'm trying to insert a checkbox in the text pane. I'm trying to use two Wingding font characters 111 and 253.

I can Insert --> Symbol --> select the two I want but it takes a lot of time.

I'm trying to use the ALT + functionality. I get strange fonts with ALT+0253, ALT+253, ALT+9746, ALT+0111, ALT+111, and a bunch of other combinations. I'm trying every combination for the checkboxes I wanted, but none of them are working. I can resort to copy/paste, but again, that's less than ideal when working with a new document.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a setting I should have enabled?

Eddie T
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Post by Eddie T »

And I did remember to change to the Wingdings font before trying it.
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Post by Petko »

Eddie, this is how it works for me:

I do not set any specific font for the heading (so the default font is used, which is Arial in my case). Then I press F2 to start editing the document title and type Alt+251 (using the Num Pad keys and while the Num Pad is turned on).

Does that work for you?
Eddie T
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Post by Eddie T »


Thanks for the quick response, but no, no help.

When you say you press F2, I get no response on my machine unless I'm in the tree editor and have highlighted a document. Even at that, I enter ALT+251, hit enter, the square root symbol appears, I confirm by hitting Enter. I then go to the font options and change to Wingdings 1. I get a missing font box symbol (you know the empty rectangle looking thing). But that's not my goal.

I'm wanting to leave the tree editor, get into the text editor, and then create the equivalent of a bulleted list with checkboxes instead of bullets.

What I'm wanting to use are the below symbols (168, 253, 254). Again, they're present in MyInfo. I just can't get the ALT+ shortcut to work.

Also, loosely related, is there a way to change text direction in MI?
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Post by Tester »

Eddie, I do not know if Petko can give you a solution for your problem. I do not have a Num Pad on my keyboard, so I am not able to contribute something in this respect.

But I would like to mention a (completely different) approach which perhaps could be useful for your purpose: the use of a good clipboard manager. It makes unnecessary a cumbersome "manual" copy and paste and it is an alternative to the use of the Num Pad.

Here the general principle:

- You choose in MyInfo the symbols you are interested in (via "Insert" ---> "Symbol") and insert them (one time) in a document in order to copy them in your clipboard manager.
- From there you can insert them whenever and wherever you like in any of your MyInfo documents with a simple double click.

Of course you can use various clipboard managers. I tried it with my favorite one ("Ethervane Echo") and this is how it works:


- In the right part you see the window of the clipbord manager. You can choose in the preferences that it is permanently on top so that you have direct access to it at the same time you edit your documents in MyInfo.

- I have copied into the clipboard manager as example the symbols 168, 253 and 254 (font: Wingdings) you are interested in.

- Whenever I want to insert/paste the symbol in a certain place of a document, I have to do nothing else than double clicking into the (blue or white) field of the clipboard manager which contains the relevant symbol.

To my mind, this is a quite comfortable method.

As mentioned, it is not necessary to use for this purpose "Ethervane Echo" but I like it (though it is no longer developed). It is portable and freeware. (Homepage: For its appropriate configuration I could give you some help if necessary.
Eddie T
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Post by Eddie T »

Petko, if this post violates any of your user agreement, please let me know and I'll move it to a PM.


Thanks for the idea. While not exactly what I want, it seems that has potential to be a lot more useful in programs other than just in MI.

I'd still like to know why I can't get the ALT+ keyboard shortcuts to work in MI, though. In the meantime, I like that workaround better than anything else I've found.

Issues with it (in the first five minutes :D ) -
- I'm stuck using the portable version on my work computer (if I use another clipboard manager it will have to be portable as well), in the version I downloaded the Help file seems to be broken. I know you said it's not supported anymore, that includes the help file?
- I can only get it to store one "clipping." I can't get it to acknowledge CTRL+C or Manual Captures.

EDIT: I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. I have to CTRL+C and then Manual Capture into EE. Is that normal? The product splash page mentioned automatic capture (and Manual Capture as an option implies the functionality). Or is automatic capture not enabled with the portable app?

I have my three symbols inserted into EE. I have Keep on top of other windows selected under View. When I double-click one of them into a document, EE minimizes into the system tray.
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Post by Tester »

Eddie T wrote:Petko, if this post violates any of your user agreement, please let me know and I'll move it to a PM.
Yes, sorry, Petko, for being a little bit off topic now. But if it helps to work easier with the checkbox symbols .... :wink:

Eddie, I will start with the end of your posting:
Eddie T wrote: I have Keep on top of other windows selected under View.
Correct - that's the necessary first step. 8)
Eddie T wrote: When I double-click one of them into a document, EE minimizes into the system tray.
Yes, that is the standard behaviour (EE minimizes after inserting/pasting a clip). In order to change it, please do the following:

- Tools ---> Preferences ---> "Pasting clips"
- There you will find a value "Final WindowAction"
- Click on "waNothing" and change it (via the dropdown menu) to "waRestore":


- Click "OK" (and if necessary close and restart "Ethervane Echo" again, but I think you need not do so).

Now the EE window will remain, even after inserting a clip into a document.
Eddie T wrote: in the version I downloaded the Help file seems to be broken. I know you said it's not supported anymore, that includes the help file?
I assume we use the same version of EE: "1.1.3. build 128 (stable)" (portable version of course)
In my case the help file works fine: either clicking on "Help" ---> "Show Help" or clicking F1
This window opens:


[I just downloaded the portable version again in order to test it. It works. :D ]
Eddie T wrote: - I can only get it to store one "clipping." I can't get it to acknowledge CTRL+C or Manual Captures.

EDIT: I think I figured out what I was doing wrong. I have to CTRL+C and then Manual Capture into EE. Is that normal? The product splash page mentioned automatic capture (and Manual Capture as an option implies the functionality). Or is automatic capture not enabled with the portable app?
You can store as many clips as you like and it works automatically:

That's the way I do it always:
1) I select the text, symbol, link I would like to store (only pictures do not work) - either in MyInfo or in Word or in my browser etc.
2) I press Ctrl + C
---> The selected text etc. is stored in EE (you can see it directly in the EE window when it is open).

Here is what the help file says about it:
Ethervane Echo monitors the Windows clipboard and automatically captures all textual data that you copy to clipboard in other applications. Captured clips are stored in the database — there is no manual "save" command.

You can also force Echo to capture a clip manually. To do this, click Echo -> Manual Capture, or press Ctrl+M in the main window.
So, with a simple Ctrl + C (or of course also with right mouse click ---> "Copy") all works fine.
Eddie T
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Post by Eddie T »

Tester wrote:Now the EE window will remain, even after inserting a clip into a document.
Alright, that's fixed.
Tester wrote:I assume we use the same version of EE: "1.1.3. build 128 (stable)" (portable version of course)
Tester wrote:In my case the help file works fine: either clicking on "Help" ---> "Show Help" or clicking F1
This window opens:
Mine does not. I get two different behaviors. When I go to Help --> Show Help the help window opens with the table of contents, but the reading pane is blank. Navigating through the topics, the screen remains blank.

If I double click on the help file in the EE folder, I get the help window, table of contents, and "Navigation to the webpage was canceled."
Tester wrote: 1) I select the text, symbol, link I would like to store (only pictures do not work) - either in MyInfo or in Word or in my browser etc.
2) I press Ctrl + C
---> The selected text etc. is stored in EE (you can see it directly in the EE window when it is open).
You can also force Echo to capture a clip manually. To do this, click Echo -> Manual Capture, or press Ctrl+M in the main window.

So, with a simple Ctrl + C (or of course also with right mouse click ---> "Copy") all works fine.
I've used EE on two computers now. My home computer this process works correctly. My work computer I have to copy the item, then do a Manual Capture to get the item to show in the EE window. It could be conflicting with something installed on my work computer, so I'm okay with this behavior as I'm testing the elasticity of several policies "installing" this stuff anyway.

Next question:

Can I assign hotkeys to selected clippings?
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Post by Tester »

Eddie T wrote: Mine does not. I get two different behaviors. When I go to Help --> Show Help the help window opens with the table of contents, but the reading pane is blank. Navigating through the topics, the screen remains blank.

If I double click on the help file in the EE folder, I get the help window, table of contents, and "Navigation to the webpage was canceled."
You say you have used EE on two computers. On both of them you see this behaviour?
You could download the portable version on one of your computers a second time in order to test if the help file will work then.

Another thing you could try:
You say you get the help window (and table of contents). So I assume you also get the menu bar on top of the window. There is a menu point "Options" and when clicking on it there is a function which must be called "Refreshing" or something like that (in my German version it is "Aktualisieren"):


You could click on it in order to see if it solves the problem and the text in the reading pane appears.

(By the way: The help file of MyInfo works for you? I ask because both MyInfo and EE help are .chm files. So, if none of them works for you correctly, you seem to have a general problem with the .chm format.)
Eddie T wrote: Can I assign hotkeys to selected clippings?
Usually I do not use hotkeys and in the help file I could not find something like that.
I fear it is not possible as some user of EE had made the following suggestion and as far as I can see it was never realized:
[... ] to point out two issues I'm missing in Echo and that are convenient in Ditto:

- [...]
- Assignable hotkeys to first 10 clips (I know it was discussed here already), I was always using Win key and a number
(source: ... #msg268592)

So, if this feature is of big importance for you, you could try out Ditto as a clipboard manager ( Some time ago I had tested it too, but for my needs Ethervane Echo was more comfortable.

What you can do with EE: you can give a special position to certain clips by making them "Sticky": right click on the clip ---> "Sticky". That's not the same as a hotkey of course but so you can at least separate your favourite clips from the others.
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Post by Petko »

Eddie, sorry for the misunderstanding. For some reason I thought you was asking for the tree editor, but you was actually asking for the text editor. I have to make tests there in order to understand what could be the problem.
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Post by Petko »

It turns out that this is a limitation/bug in the text editor library we use. I have contacted the author for more information and I am waiting for his response.
Eddie T
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Post by Eddie T »

Thanks, Petko. I appreciate the research.

Somewhat related to that, and in no way am I trying to be pushy or greedy, I've been wondering the last couple of days if the text editor is finished for development or if you plan to make it more robust at a later date? Like I said, I'm not trying to be greedy, but I am starting to use MyInfo for most of my non-job related projects and have seen some limitations of what I'd like to make it do vice what it can do.
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