[fixed in 6.31b2168] Lost Data When Inserting A Template

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[fixed in 6.31b2168] Lost Data When Inserting A Template

Post by riderv3 »

I am using build 6.21 (2161).

Issue arises after entering data into a document, then inserting a document from a template after it without saving. After inserting the templated document, the data entered into the previous document disappears/is deleted. Undo (crtl-z) does not help.

The data deleted is whatever was added to the document last. If data is entered, the topic saved, more data entered, then a document from template added below, the new data disappears. The data from before the save remains.
Issue noted in both pro and portable versions. Please advise.
MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

I can confirm that and I am sorry for this problem! If you edit a document, then the newly inserted text was lost if you inserted a new document from template, while the text editor is active.

It is now fixed, so please download and install the latest build to get rid of it (6.31.2168).
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Aug 15, 2013 5:07 am

Post by riderv3 »

Thank you sir!