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Post by Bobo »

P.S. How/where does one get MyInfo? Cost?

MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

Bobo, you can download trial version of MyInfo here:

And buy it here ($49.95 USD/$99.95 USD, depending whether it is Standard or Professional version):
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Post by mfelix »

Hi Bobo,

welcome to the MyInfo forums !
Due to the holiday season I´m a bit behind in following up around here. Very good to tune down a bit at this time of the year ;-)

Do you plan to import all your documents into Myinfo ?
If so, we could work together and see what options we have.
Could you send me a sample of the askSam database, or is it private data ?

Best regards,

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Post by ozstar »

Yes Memory Mate was the thing way back then just loved it ! .. and the evolution since.. AskSam and now the most comprehensive..MyInfo.

If you're making in the change.. Make sure you have a couple/a few backups before you start then jump in.

Just follow the instructs above and you're there. The newer convert script would be much better than what i used a couple of years ago, so you should have no problem.

Just remember backup in case you have some hiccups on the way..

Good luck

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Post by Bobo »

Hi Felix and Oz,

Thank you for your replies. I'm just one of those guys who doesn't like to change software until I have to. My askSam software is still working. Do you think I'm asking for trouble to wait until it won't work or crashes? I make a lot of backup files, often. Please take no offense but why might I move to MyInfo if askSam is still working for me? Remember, I use it as a totally free-form database, with absolutely no fields, and I'm now at about 9000 documents and 25MB. Thank you for being patient with me.

As far as you know, have the folks at askSam quit developing it, selling it, supporting it?

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Post by Bobo »


P.S. Yes, it is personal/confidential information (you asked in January).
If you could just list the steps you think will most likely work for me to export my file (with many documents) to a format that MyInfo will import,
then how to import to MyInfo,
I can try it with the trial version.
(I do pretty well at that kind of stuff.)

Thank you.

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Location: Basel, Switzerland

Post by mfelix »

Hi Bobo,

the steps are all explained in the documentation of the MyInfo askSam plugin. Could you please download it together with the MyInfo trial from the Milenix website and see whether this will work for you ?
Please come back and let us know !

PS: well, you can use old software as long as it runs. The riskiest time is always when you move to a new version of Windows. Keep your old machine alongside for sometime and you can always migrate then.
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Post by ozstar »

My advice to anyone who still uses AskSam, is to definitely look seriously at this product.

One day AskSam will not work and it could be too late to salvage the files.

This is one of the very few programs which actually offers an integration bridge between itself and competitors.

It saved my day a few years ago, and like we did with Memory Mate and AskSam, we use MI every single day.

I am not affiliated, just a happy user.

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Post by jindrikos »

Hi mfelix, after using MyInfo for 1 year or so I tried yesterday to convert my askSam files to MyInfo. Your instructions were for me not clear enough (perhaps my problem, not of the instructions), but I found answers to my questions in the forum. But some doubts remain: some of my askSam files use links and bookmarks. The links and bookmarks cannot be converted to MI, am I right? The same happens with formatting - Converted files being only .txt, they cannot transport the formatting, right? regds, jindrikos
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Post by mfelix »

Hi Jindrikos

The import plugin is text-only, i.e. no formatting or links are carried over.
My original plan was once to add that functionality, but there was not much interest on the sides of the askSam users so I dropped it.
MyInfo has a splendid Word Outline Import. Probably you could import your askSam files twice: once with the plugin to get all the fields and text over and then export the askSam file to an RTF file an re-import into MyInfo ?

Cheers, Felix
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Post by jindrikos »

Hi mfelix,
thanks for your prompt reply.
What a pitty that there is not sufficient interest in converting AS data to MI. It seems that AS users prefer complaining about disapearing of AS instead of trying new solutions. On the other side it may be a testimony of their devotion to their beloved product (I like it, too :-) ). I hope MI will acquire similar devoted users ...

Back to the issue, I will try your suggestion ... In case of no satisfactory result, I will have to continue using both AS and Mi, each for different tasks.
Thanks and regds,
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Location: Basel, Switzerland

Post by mfelix »

I agree: too much complaining, not enough action. But maybe time will come...
In case you need help in importing please don´t hesitate to come back here.
I shall be around :roll:
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Post by jindrikos »

:) thanks
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Post by HansG »

Hi mfelix,

I have not yet complained about askSam, it works fine for me except for some nasty bugs which were never fixed (and will not be any more), such as not (always) saving toolbar customization, formatting, lacking Unicode ...
But as the firm really seems to be dead somehow it will best to look for an alternative now or, say, with the change to Win10 next year.
It would seem that MyInfo were the best solution for me, as with your import tool there is a realistic chance to migrate my data without too much handwork.
But only in the last forum entries I realized that hypertext links will not be transferred (kept alive and working) - and in my main database with about 2000 docs I used them quite frequently, mainly to keep de DB smaller by storing pictures separately, and also for quick inter-doc links (by doc-name), so this is a real backdraw.
Now, do you see any chance the import module would be enriched by a link-preserving facility? Or is there a work-around already?

Best regards
Posts: 126
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Location: Basel, Switzerland

Post by mfelix »

Hi Hans,

the import plugin will not be enhanced to include hyperlinks, sorry for that. The reason ist quite simple: I´ve converted all my askSam databases, so no need anymore. And with a family and a job in software engineering there´s simply no time at hands to do this just for fun...

There´s currently a lot of discussion going on in the askSam community, because they´ve finally realised that the company and the software are dead. The talk about paying someone for using the askSam SDK to export and import the data into another program.
@Petko: in case you´re reading this, would you be interested in tha ? I could get you started with the SDK an probably you could do an import plugin that would preserve the hyperlinks. We would make the askSamees buy MyInfo upfront so that there is no to reason they will change their mind again....

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