it appears that Myinfo's file save strategy is to save the whole file every time the save operation is performed - as opposed to only saving changes... Is this correct?
I have just created a data file with about 750mb (their combined size before attaching) of embedded attachments (out of necessity) - every time I click save the program is saving, and out of action for about 40 seconds... which makes working with a data file this size VERY unpleasant - even not possible - especially if as I do I want to save changes frequently. I do have the 'make a backup copy on save' unchecked. By the way the files on disk are about 750mb, and they become a 90mb .mio file once attached (that's taking into consideration not importing folders full of web page fragments where I've attached saved web pages which would reduce the initial estimate quite a bit)... So perhaps there is some data compression time delay when saving happening here too?
Am I doing something wrong, or is this the case for large files? Will this change? For example, with UltraRecall, you can have a much, much larger file, multiple gigabytes even, and I guess it must save new stuff incrementally because there is no noticeable lag when saving new documents to a very large existing data file.
saving large data files
Not correct. At least according to the list of features on this site:igoldsmid wrote:it appears that Myinfo's file save strategy is to save the whole file every time the save operation is performed - as opposed to only saving changes... Is this correct?
MyInfo is fast! It loads only the information you need in the moment and saves only the changes you have made to your topics."
I would also like to see a compression feature added to reduce the file sizes. Jot+ Notes has great compression, but the feature set of the program is so sparse, it's pretty much useless when compared to MyInfo. So it may be that the problem you're experiencing with your large files is just the price of having such powerful features.
I'm just curious -- how many topics does your data consist of, and what's the size of your largest topic?
MyInfo compresses topics when they are saved, however it uses fast compression method with emphasis on speed rather on size.
As for saving only the changes, MyInfo tries to save only the changes made to the topic, however practically it has to write the whole topic on the hard disk. That is why so big topics (750 MB for example) are saved slow.
As for saving only the changes, MyInfo tries to save only the changes made to the topic, however practically it has to write the whole topic on the hard disk. That is why so big topics (750 MB for example) are saved slow.