Suggestion: Topic Groups

Legacy MyInfo versions topics and topics that are no longer relevant
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:18 am

Suggestion: Topic Groups

Post by kf »

I've been getting interested in MyInfo again after a bit of a hiatus. Very impressed so far!

Could you add to the organize Topics dialog? It would be neat to be able to specify groups of topics to open. Each group would have certain topics in it (chosen either by clicking or drag and drop) and when you opened the group, all previous topics would close and the ones belonging to the group would open. Two groups could contain the same topic (it would just stay open), and certain topics could be locked so they are always open.

Right now, if I have a bunch of topics, I may only want to see certain ones, or see them in a certain order if I'm working on a certain task. Right now, I have to open them all individually (time consuming) or leave them open all the time (cluttered).

Thanks for the program and for listening,


Yep, another post in the wrong forum... sorry.
MyInfo Support
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

Yes, we have plans for topic groups in the future versions. I could not say how exactly this will be implemented, but it is our todo list.
Posts: 110
Joined: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:18 am

Post by kf »

That's good to hear. Is there any place where a list or roadmap of MyInfo's future is listed? It would be neat to see what future improvements are already being pursued, features that are not, and just where the program is growing towards. This would also make it easy to refrain from posting redundant requests.

Thanks for an excellant program!
