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Two suggestions: Tabbed Editor Panes/Embedded File View

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:34 pm
by joshi
1. Currently, each document has a single editor pane. I think it would be useful to be able to have multiple tabbed editor panes for each document. You already seem to have the rudiments of tabbed panes with respect to documents with embedded files or web pages.

2. When I open an embedded document for editing, I cannot access any other information in MyInfo until I close out of the embedded document. Is this something that can be fixed, since I often need to look up MyInfo information while editing embedded documents.


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:59 pm
by kf
Re 1: This sounds pretty cool, and like you said, the basics seem to be there. Could you give an example of it's use? Why couldnt you just use subdocuments in the treepane?


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:42 pm
by joshi
You could simply create more subdocuments, but at some point that results in a more complicated document tree. For example, if I want to take notes on NFL football, I might have a general document called "Football" and one subdocument for each NFL team, and then further subdocuments for players, schedules, etc. But say that, in addition to team-specific information, I want to take notes on the history and rules of football. One way I might organize that would be to have the following subdocuments: "Teams," "History," "Rules," and then have the relevant subdocuments underneath that, which means an extra layer in the document tree. This is a relatively simply example. A more complicated subject might result in a more unwieldy document tree.

A multiple tabbed editor pane would add, literally, an extra dimension for organizing information relating to a particular topic. In some ways, its a more sophisticated form of the line break that MyInfo currently has.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:07 pm
by Petko
We have an idea (still in an early phase of consideration) to add the possibility to open MyInfo documents in separate windows (in read-only mode). Think about it like you can open mail messages in Outlook - separate window for each message. This will make it possible to have several documents open at once, even when you have open dialogs in MyInfo. You will be able to jump to the original document in MyInfo with a button click in the separate window.

What do you think about this idea?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:26 pm
by joshi
Interesting idea. I don't think this solves the problem I described in my prior post of having to create an unwieldy document tree for complex subjects. But it would be helpful to have a way to look at the content of different documents without having to navigate the tree.

One suggestion: I find tabs much easier to work with than windows. I recommend that the documents open as new tabs within the MyInfo (the same way that open topics are currently displayed) rather than separate windows (such as with Microsoft Outlook).