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Save as format

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:04 pm
by JanRif
Is it possible to 'save as' a document as a 'txt' file? If not, will it become possible?

For example, The Bat! email client has facility of email save as 'txt' file & other msgs can be appended. This is quite useful tool for # of reasons.

Thank you.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:45 pm
by kf
Try using the export function.

- File -> Export
- Select "Text or Webpage"
- Click on "Browse"
- In the SaveAs box select txt

I'll admit it isn't real clear but it is there. I would prefer more customization...


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:47 pm
by JanRif
kf wrote:Try using the export function. - File -> Export - Select "Text or Webpage"[snip]
Missed that one big time, thanks. Seems to work ok.

Now if MI recognized a page break as a new document, importing such a document would create multiple documents which could be useful to someone.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:08 pm
by Petko
JanRif wrote:Now if MI recognized a page break as a new document, importing such a document would create multiple documents which could be useful to someone.
We are considering to add this feature.