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My difficulty w MyInfo

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:51 pm
by JanRif
revolves around pinpointing where selected data is going to land in the outline. The v4 road map/options list seems to address this problem & a few others which are of interest to me.

The way I use the program means that I have had to create a greater # of files/topix than I would otherwise do in order that I didn't 'lose' data somewhere in the middle of some outline.

I supposed I could have created an archive topic, dumped everything in there & then move specific items to their appropriate places in different outlines.

In any case this is at least a two/three step process & about one/two steps too many.

That and the dis-interest to develop some kind of calendar/reminder function make me a little nervous about switching over to this product now.
I realize developers are trying to stay away from PIMs but calendar/reminder functions is also data needed to organize one's busy life as well as setting priorities.

Having said that I think MyInfo handles some things better than the program I currently use [ADM] but the ease of use particularly in the area of getting data into ADM/Zoot/Ariadne is so much simpler than it is in MyInfo, t I think I will have to revisit the program after v4 is released.

I'm open to alpha/beta testing if that would be helpful to the developers. And, of course, I will sign any non-disclosure document in the process.

Anyway I thank you all for welcoming my into your community, for your patience & help in getting me up & running in MyInfo. I really do think it is a fine program & may, in fact, become my data gathering of choice in the future.

I will anxiously await v4 as I am just as anxious to stop using ADM as I am to find a better alternative.

Again, thank you.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:07 am
by Petko
Jan, thank you for the valuable feedback that you gave us during your MyInfo trial!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:54 pm
by JanRif
Petko wrote:Jan, thank you for the valuable feedback that you gave us during your MyInfo trial!
My pleasure, Petko. And if you find a way to get data out of ADM into MyInfo I be an extremely grateful customer.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA