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Version 4.0 Suggestions and Bug Fixes

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:42 am
by tomcain
Hi Petko,

First of all, I want you to know how much I like MyInfo. I am a consultant to the medical device industry, and many of my projects involve assembling complex documents (such as proposals, research summaries and contracts) for which the use of MyInfo is ideal. Many of my client companies see me using this tool, and inquire about it, and ask if I can recommend it for their corporate use. While I always give MyInfo glowing reviews, I stop short of recommending it to them for a few reasons, which I will explain below. I hope some of these suggestions can be included in release 4.0.

Even though many software programmers refuse to believe this, printing documents is still essential in the business world, and will continue to be for some time. By printing, I do not necessarily mean printing to paper. I also make extensive use of the Acrobat print driver, since pdf is the most common format for doc exchange in business. I believe that I am a typical business user, in that I am reluctant to use too many specialized software applications. Frankly, I need to spend my time researching and gathering data, in other words, doing the work I get paid for, rather than learning new applications with which to present that data. For this reason, I will not use an application, no matter how great it is, and then transfer my work to another application for printing. This type of approach is, in my view, a waste of time. If it can't produce good print output, forget it.

I dislike Microsoft Word as an outliner, but up until recently, I had to use it for its excellent printing capabilities. When you added capability for additional printing features, particularly for changing print margins, I finally could use MyInfo full-time, and now I rarely use Word. But, a problem remains, and that is, there is no true WYSIWYG interface, and no rulers. Absence of these features makes it difficult to edit and lay out your document as you work. Adding WYSIWYG may be difficult or impossible, and is not necessary as long as fast and accurate print preview is available. Surely adding rulers, though, is not a major change. Please consider this.

"KISS" stands for "Keep It Simple Stupid". Please don't be offended...I do not mean you personally. :) This is a commonly used phrase in my industry, since the best approach in business is usually the simplest. I commend you for keeping the MyInfo interface simple, elegant and professional. Please don't change this as you add more features. When business users see cluttered screens and cutesy icons, they gag.

Tables are critical to the logical presentation of data. I use them extensively, and again, until MyInfo added this feature, I could not use it for my work. However, to truly utilize the power of tables, additional layout features are needed. Right now, the most glaring feature missing is ability to customize, or remove, borders. If you could add this, it would be a big help.

I use toolbars extensively, and like to customize them to my liking. MyInfo allows for customization, to some extent (no custom icons), but the toolbar behavior is buggy. The most annoying bug I am finding is the "toolbar flash". That is, when I click on certain tool buttons, the control flashes, then returns to its original state, without giving me a dropdown menu. I have seen this behavior with the Styles dropdown tool, and also with the Tables Cell Color tool, but it may be present with other tools which I do not put on my toolbar. I found a workaround, which is to click to another document, then return to the document I am working in. Then, the toolbar works for awhile before again demonstrating the bug. Oddly, I have not been able to replicate this behavior when using the equivalent controls in the menu bar. This kind of buggy behavior makes me reluctant to recommend it to my corporate clients. Bugs in the interface makes them nervous.

I apologize for the long post, but I thought I should inform you of these items, as well as compliment you for developing this application, and encourage you to continue development. I have tried just about every other outliner, and MyInfo is the only one that successfully walks the fine line between usability, attractiveness, and avoidance of feature bloat.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:03 am
by gcoulthard
Hi Tom,

I am in a similar situation as you with my position as a professor (academic) and an instructional designer (corporate). I concur that there are wonderful features in this program for researching, collecting, cataloging, and managing information. In fact, I moved from using TreePad, My Notes Keeper, and other programs looking for such a well-rounded product.

However, like you, there are a few features that are still needed before I will dump those other programs off of my system. You've hit most of them already:

1. Printing/Exporting (RTF, DOC)
2. Paragraph formatting (ruler with indents and tabs)
3. Bullet/Number formatting (ala Microsoft Word)
4. Table formatting (full-feature set ala Word)

I also need to attach multiple files to a single document. For example, when creating a lecture, I need to embed my PPT presentation, my DOC assignments, and PDF articles. Rather than subdocuments, these should all be attached on the current document that holds the lesson plan. I also have journal articles that regularly exceed 4MB, which is a limitation of MyInfo in embedding files.

Having said all this, I have purchased the product to show my support for its developers. It is still one of the best options on the market today. I commend Petko for his work.


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:44 pm
by joshi
Let me echo the importance of "KISS," noted by the first post. I've tried many information managers, including some that have more features than MyInfo, but do not have MyInfo's intuitive, simple, and uncluttered character.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:24 am
by Petko
Lots of valuable feedback here! Please note that the KISS principle was always our philosophy, so MyInfo will always remain clean, uncluttered and easy to use.

I can confirm that we are aware of the "flashing" bug and it will be fixed in version 4 (or, if we can, in the next service release of MyInfo 3).

As for the feature requests, as always they are noted and we will consider what could be added for version 4!

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:30 pm
by kf
Just one comment on the KISS idea. I totally agree with the main interface. I feel that MyInfo has done an excellant job on keeping the working window free from clutter (good job!). But, one area that could use a little more complexity is the options dialog. User-configuration is very important and the lack of customizability is not a strongpoint. Colors (treepane vs textpane), topic tabbar placement, and especially import/export options could use a little work.

Of course, there are programs with an overwhelming number of options... the trick is to configure the program so that initial settings are close, but as the user becomes more experienced they can dig in and really make the program work for them.
