Ruler and Formatting Options

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Ruler and Formatting Options

Post by gcoulthard »

The one item that stops me from using MyInfo for most of my writing is the lack of a ruler with indent markers. I need to be able to set hanging indents, outdents, and other formatting options. Most RTF editors provide these features and unless MyInfo has switched to HTML editing, I'm not sure why such a fundamental feature is missing.

Furthermore, I require more formatting options for bullets and numbers. I should be able to select the bullet character, number/letter, adjust the indent, and more. Again, these are basic editing tools that are conspicuously absent in MyInfo. Please Petko, consider adding these items.

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Post by gcoulthard »

Sorry to "bump" the topic, but am I alone in requiring such features?

The lack of (1) a custom ruler and (2) bullets/numbering formats are the key issues hindering me from recommending/switching to MyInfo from MyNotesKeeper.

Any help would be appreciated -- Glen
Daly de Gagne
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Post by Daly de Gagne »

gcoulthard wrote:Sorry to "bump" the topic, but am I alone in requiring such features?

The lack of (1) a custom ruler and (2) bullets/numbering formats are the key issues hindering me from recommending/switching to MyInfo from MyNotesKeeper.

Any help would be appreciated -- Glen
Glen, I'm with you.

We need improved formatting and a ruler.

I also hope that we get a hoisting capability...please.

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Post by gcoulthard »

Thanks for the support Daly.

I agree with hoisting as well -- especially for large files.

If Petko adds rulers, better paragraph formatting, and hoisting to MyInfo, I would have no need to use UltraRecall, Evernote, or MyNotesKeeper anymore.

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Post by joshi »

I'm also looking forward to hoisting. I believe Petko said hoisting would be part of MI5. Not sure what he plans to do about the ruler.
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Post by vogelap »

+1 to ruler and +1 to hoisting
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Post by mfelix »

Petko, I'm bringing up this old topic, because I coundn't find anything else. Can I set a tab stop in the ruler or is this not supported ?
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Post by Petko »

mfelix wrote:Petko, I'm bringing up this old topic, because I coundn't find anything else. Can I set a tab stop in the ruler or is this not supported ?
This is not yet supported.
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Post by mfelix »

Thanks Petko. So please add my wish to the list. I think that this is very important for people that write a lot of text for themselves.
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Post by mhanke »

Sorry to ask a dumb question: but can you define what you mean with "hoisting"? I assume you do not want MI to include a hoisting device for lifting heavy books, do you? :?: