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Format Painter

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:10 am
by Rod
I was hoping that in V5 a format painter, like there is in Microsoft Word, would have been included.

I have set up my own default font, which is fine for new documents but it is an annoyance having to highlight lines of text and change the font size manually in old documents.

A format painter would make such short work of this, rather than being a laborious chore.

Maybe I missed a command for this though. What do others feel about format painter?


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:07 pm
by BobMack
I'm not especially interested in a format painter; I rarely use the feature in Word.

However, I do make constant use of the Style feature in MyInfo, but I find it a nuisance to scroll through the dropdown menu past many styles I never use to reach the 3 or 4 styles that I do employ.

So my wish is that there were a way to delete unwanted styles from the list of choices; that would be a definite time-saver for me.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:20 pm
by mathom
It might not be possible (or desirable) to delete the built-in styles, but it would probably work just as well if we had a way to hide unused styles. I'm thinking of a "Hide this style" checkbox in the Style dialog that would just keep the style from showing up in the context menu.

It would also help if we could assign shortcut keys to our custom styles. The only way to do that now is to use one of the built-in styles and just ignore the fact that the name doesn't make any sense. For example, I don't use footnotes, so I've hijacked the Footnote style (in MI5.0) for use as a Normal style with a hanging indent.