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Version 5.2 New problem - pasting

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:52 am
by Rod
Since the release of V5, I can no longer copy and paste text from web pages online. Either the all the tables containg the text past in and anything after gives an access error. Most times I just get the error message.

I have to paste everything into notepad and then from there to MyInfo. Very annoying!

Same problem here also

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:32 am
by Ralph
I have noticed this also.

I even have issues with copying from Outlook Preview pane and then trying to paste into MI -- get an access error. Pasting into another application and re-copying it into MI works as stated above.


Internet Copy / Paste

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:08 am
by jjbreen
I too with V 5.02 - EVERY TIME I try to COPY / PASTE - it locks and it will crash my Outlook as well - trying to send the ERROR stuff.

Any suggetions?? I think Milenix is not fully aware if other's are seeing their E-Mail crash when it tries to send the error -

... Jerry ....

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:22 pm
by arrowman
I just upgraded to 5.03 on Windows XP and now paste doesn't seem to work at all. When I paste a text into the text pane, nothing appears :( When I paste into another application (Word, Ultraedit) to verify, the copied text appears like it should.

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:29 pm
by arrowman
arrowman wrote:paste doesn't seem to work at all.
Well, it seems to depend on the source. Copying from Word doesn't work, from Firefox works, from IE8 gives a "list error out of bounds" crash.

Sigh, quite frankly, MyInfo has become unusable for me :(

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:15 pm
by Ralph
I'm also unable to copy/paste ... I have reverted back to 5.02.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:10 am
by Petko
We have fixed that problem. Please download MyInfo 5.03 again.

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 8:13 am
by arrowman
No, I've downloaded and re-installed, and I'm still getting the "List index out of bound" crash.

It occurs, for example, when I select the text block "What is MyInfo? ... Learn more" on in IE8, and paste it into a text pane.

I've sent a crash report to

COPY - Paste Ver. 5.03

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:34 pm
by jjbreen
Yup - Copy / Paste same thing CRASHED. :cry:

And just like the prior 5.x versions - I cannot send and E-Mail because this seems to crash my OUTLOOK as well :?

So if this was wrong to post .. it was easier then rebooting - which now I will go do.

... Jerry ....

Here is what I got:

EurekaLog 6.0.20

1.1 Start Date : Wed, 12 Aug 2009 07:29:17 -0700
1.2 Name/Description: MyInfo.exe
1.3 Versio : 5.0.1003.1003
1.4 Parameters :
1.5 Compilation Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 09:09:19 -0700
1.6 Up Time : 28 seconds

2.1 Date : Wed, 12 Aug 2009 07:29:45 -0700
2.2 Address : 00A63ACD
2.3 Module Name : MyInfo.exe
2.4 Module Version: 5.0.1003.1003
2.5 Type : EListError
2.6 Message : List index out of bounds (1).
2.7 ID : D39A
2.8 Count : 1
2.9 Status : New
2.10 Note :

3.1 ID : Jerry
3.2 Name : Jerry
3.3 Email :
3.4 Company :
3.5 Privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege - ON
SeSecurityPrivilege - OFF
SeBackupPrivilege - OFF
SeRestorePrivilege - OFF
SeSystemtimePrivilege - OFF
SeShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege - OFF
SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege - OFF
SeDebugPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege - OFF
SeSystemProfilePrivilege - OFF
SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF
SeLoadDriverPrivilege - ON
SeCreatePagefilePrivilege - OFF
SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege - OFF
SeUndockPrivilege - ON
SeManageVolumePrivilege - OFF
SeImpersonatePrivilege - ON
SeCreateGlobalPrivilege - ON

Active Controls:
4.1 Form Class : MyInfoMain4
4.2 Form Text : Milenix MyInfo - [My Posts]
4.3 Control Class: TRichViewEdit
4.4 Control Text :

5.1 Name : JERRY
5.2 Total Memory : 3325 Mb
5.3 Free Memory : 2698 Mb
5.4 Total Disk : 931.5 Gb
5.5 Free Disk : 816.98 Gb
5.6 System Up Time: 4 minutes, 30 seconds
5.7 Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz
5.8 Display Mode : 1280 x 1024, 32 bit
5.9 Display DPI : 96
5.10 Video Card : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 (driver - RAM 1024 MB)
5.11 Printer : Lexmark E238 (driver 1.0)

Operating System:
6.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
6.2 Build : 2600
6.3 Update : Service Pack 3
6.4 Language: English
6.5 Charset : 0

7.1 IP Address:
7.2 Submask :
7.3 Gateway :
7.4 DNS 1 :
7.5 DNS 2 :
7.6 DHCP : ON

Custom Information:

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:31 am
by Petko
I'll check this problem.

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:36 am
by arrowman
Hi Petko,

Please fix not just the pasting, but also the rendering of existing items with text pasted which was earlier. I seem to get the same crashes when opening an existing item, as I get when I paste text into a new empty item.

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:04 am
by Petko
Could you send a sample at

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:09 am
by arrowman
Petko wrote:Could you send a sample at
I already did that and you downloaded it (Repro.mio) from our website on July 21. When I open an item in this file 5.03 still crashes ("Error reading text data" and "List index out of bounds(-1)").