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Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:08 pm
by wsp
I continue to wish there were a way to view my notes on an iPhone or iPod. I would be happy with something very uncomplicated: no tags, dates, etc., just a simple search and some elementary editing.

Petko, you're no doubt aware of this already, but a few note-taking programs for the iPhone/iPod offer APIs: couldn't MyInfo be connected with one of them? Here's the URL for Simplenote, for example:

And I know that Evernote has a published API:

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:05 am
by jamal
Times are changing.. Others are following the Evernote lead to make versions available on iPhone.

PhatNotes recently announced a version on iPhone with desktop sync.

Evernote claims two million users and more than one million of those users have used it on iPhone.

MyInfo cannot live on Windows desktop alone anymore. It needs a mobile version in order to not be left behind. It is the need of the hour.

A good start would be an iPhone version with some minimal initial functionalities and full two-way sync with desktop version.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:51 pm
by wsp
In Evernote it's also possible to edit a synced version of one's notes on a password-protected website. If it's too time consuming for Petko to create an iPhone app, maybe the website would be the way to go? Then it could be designed so that we could easily access it from any smart phone.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:14 pm
by jamal
wsp, to access and edit MyInfo documents on the web using a browser (if that is what you mean), a web-based version of MyInfo should be running on the webserver. That means Milenix has to port the desktop version to a web-based version. That is another job. And, they still need to come up with a mobile version for syncing and managing the documents on the smartphone.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:26 pm
by wsp
jamal, what you seem to be saying is that there is no simple solution, and I assume that's true. I've explained on another thread

my own work-around. It involves the creation of big PDF files and the use of GoodReader on the iPhone.

But I agree with you that what we really, really need is an iPhone app for MyInfo. I used Evernote for several years, at one time rather heavily, but I have been gradually shifting my data (or at least all my notes intended for specific writing projects) to MyInfo, because MI is so much better for structured note-taking. I admit, though, that I feel a strong pang of envy whenever I open Evernote, especially on my iPhone.

iphone app thoughts

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:24 pm
by Crystal401
I agree with WSP:

I also have a strong need to read the topics on an iphone.

Is creating a public API an available option?

If MyInfo API is available to the public, I would even consider
hiring someone to create an iphone app.
I would be happy with even only the "read only" functionality.

Hope this one will get considered in the future.