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Customize printing header and footer

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:17 pm
by mfelix
I really miss the possibility to insert the name of the printed document !

I could also imagine that there are situations in which one would like to insert the value of any attribute, but the name or the title is something that is needed the most !

Re: Customize printing header and footer

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 4:17 pm
by Fred
This is the easy part and currently possible, see in the Help, "Printing and Exporting" - "Customize Printing Header and Footer"; item title would be "ampersand o", etc.

But see my thread regarding Printing and Exporting to have an overview of the real problems! ;-)

This being said, be aware the trial version is NOT the professional version (= like for most other programs in trial) but the standard one, and I formally disagree with buying the latter, import / export there being too crippled. So you might not see any current available option in the trial = standard version.

Petko: From a marketing point of view, the only way you could do worse, would be to allow for just 5 items under each item, in the trial version: Of course, a trial version must SHOW what the program is able to do - but we'll address this point another time when our trial projects will be ready, so that MI, totally uncrippled for 30 days, will really make a BLOW! (Marketeers call this the "conversion rate"...) ;-)

Re: Customize printing header and footer

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:40 pm
by mfelix
Fred, you just made me unsure of myself ;-)

Usually I take the utmost care to consult any help file around before I complain...
So I did this time as well: &o is the topic name. I'm after the name of the document to be printed....

Re: Customize printing header and footer

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:27 pm
by Fred
Michael, you are perfectly right. In fact, I got all messed up with all those printing / exporting options (see my thread), and indeed, you can print "text" or "attributes and text", and there, you would have the title (and some other, mostly unwanted, attributes, if you do not care to hide them from screen before printing), but the item's title in the header, that's been overlooked, indeed: you've found the void to be filled! ;-)