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File location for templates

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:23 pm
by mfelix
For me I would make a lot of sense to add the template directory to the file locations in the option dialog.

Templates are user documents in the same way than topics are, so it makes no sense to me that their location is fixed within the program directory. Just think of backups or moving your files to another computer.

Re: File location for templates

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 3:43 pm
by Fred
Hi again Michael,

Coming from AS where templates are awful, you'll quickly see that in MI templates are not even awful, they're terrible. In fact, try to use a max of tags and other attributes, instead of doing too much "standardized info" in the editor. But for the content of your post, 100 p.c. d'accord! ;-)

Just one more word here: It seems to me - 4 months' user -, that general understanding is that MI must enhance tagging, AND of course, that tags and columns are its USP (for the time being that is) - thus, enhancing tagging would be enhancing its strengths and thus be recommendable, instead of trying to do its main work on its weak points (= cloning, that is, even if done perfectly, it would be months of programming, just to be NEAR = always beneath in that respect, to UR).

And that's why we EXPECT real tagging enhancements, and that's why we trust Petko to do those enhancements... and that's why we try to work in a way to RELY on those future enhancements, in a way, even today... ;-)

Thus my advice to to just a minimum of standardization in the editor, and to put standardizable things into attributes, etc. Just my 2 cents...

You see I'm trying to create a coherent work space for us all, or let me dare say, a working philosophy. ;-)