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Outlining in the Text Page

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:12 pm
by Daly de Gagne
Petko, I cannot recall whether we've discussed this before, so please forgive me if we have.

I am currently preparing a special MyInfo topic for a client, which will involve the client using MyInfo to track activities related to executive function issues, and to achievement of his life goals and projects.

I am using columns to provide a yes/no check-off for whether each of the activities we have agreed on are achieved each day. There are sub-documents for each week so the column section does not become too wide, and the information contained in it is immediate and relevant to the client (it is easier to think in terms of what one has or has not done in the past week, as contrasted with the last month).

The first document in the topic contains information on the activities, ie why they were selected, what proper execution of each one entails, and what we hope to achieve.

For this section, where the text pane is being used, it is helpful for me to write almost in point form for it to have immediate clarity for the client.

What I find lacking is the ability to write in what essentially is outline form in the text pane.

The number and bullet format options are set, and while I can play around with them to change indentations, there is no change in number style for a level that is indented as a subtopic of a previous level. It becomes a time consuming process.

This feature would be most helpful. It would also be helpful to have a feature that allows me to have a separate paragraph below a number or bullet point that is part of it (ie it does not take a new number or bullet point), and keeps the indenting of the text immediately above it.

In other words, if I am a 3 (a), I may want to have a block of text immediately beneath what appears as the 3 (a) text - text which has precisely the same margins as the 3 (a) text. Then, by way of a rt click menu option I would like to be able to resume outline numbering below that unlabeled paragraph. This means that if I select to resume outline numbering, when I press a return I get 3 (b).

Since this would be an outlining feature, I would also like to have a simple option which would allow for the next main level number, rather than 3 (b) - in other words, level 4.

This kind of outlining in the text pane capability would facilitate all kinds of writing work I do. Word processors have such an option. My thought is it may be possible to add it to MI without too much problem.

Thanks for your consideration.


Re: Outlining in the Text Page

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:13 pm
by mfelix
Daly, I hope I understood correctly what you mean. Please correct me if I'm wrong:

Hitting SHIFT+RETURN will give you a new paragraph without any numbering, but with the same indentation. Could that be a solution ?

Using Styles with numbers / bullets works as well. Would it be possible to define your own styles for level 1 / 2 / 3 etc to get any easy differentiation ?

Re: Outlining in the Text Page

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:45 pm
by Daly de Gagne
Felix, thanks for that. Shift + return, I think, is the solution.

I'm somewhat lazy so it would be nice to have a pre-defined set of outline styles, as one does with, say, Open Office. But I will look at that also.

Thanks for the suggestions.

mfelix wrote:Daly, I hope I understood correctly what you mean. Please correct me if I'm wrong:

Hitting SHIFT+RETURN will give you a new paragraph without any numbering, but with the same indentation. Could that be a solution ?

Using Styles with numbers / bullets works as well. Would it be possible to define your own styles for level 1 / 2 / 3 etc to get any easy differentiation ?

Re: Outlining in the Text Page

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:17 pm
by mfelix
Once you've setup your styles you can easily copy them between topics, or make yourself a template topic.