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Show details from search dialog has no effect

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:54 pm
by mfelix
When switching on "Show details" from the search dialog nothing happens.
In former versions I thought MyInfo was displaying the line containing the hits below the document name in the search results window. Or am I mistaken ?

Re: Show details from search dialog has no effect

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:19 pm
by Petko
This option will be removed in the next update, because it only works in the currently open topics. Search will be improved in the next versions to show this information for all topics and it will be restored then.

Re: Show details from search dialog has no effect

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:30 pm
by mfelix
Perfect ! Search capabilities have become better over the last releases but there is some room for improvements. While we're at it: I've started working a lot with searches from the search line using logical operators and searches within attributes. It is a big help that MyInfo remembers the last recently used searches but not quite enough for me. I would need a stored search feature as it is implemented in askSam: you can save your query under a name and run it later on by either selecting it from a list or a shortcut key. Looking at MyInfo's favourite toolbar I could imagine a "stored search toolbar" where one could place the searches that are used very often.
A cool trick with askSam's stored searches was the prompt: Instead of literally inserting a search term the search would prompt you to enter the search term at run time. You could even specify the prompt text. Please let me know if you want to discuss this a bit more in detail and probably include it in some future version.