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Document Title from top line

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:20 am
by ozstar

I thought the doc title that shows after a search in the right side Search panel was taken from the top line however when i make a change, say fill in a blank, there is no change to the Search result title even if I close the program or rebuild an index.

Is there something i am missing or do I have to do something else to see the first line title in the Search esult.

Starting to fall in love with the program :-)


Re: Document Title from top line

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:11 pm
by mfelix
Hi Oz,

the document title is something different than the first line. The title you specify in the tree to the left of the editor (or to the right when you open the attribute pane; there the field is called "Documents").
A nice way to get the first line into the title is by selecting it and pressing F2.

In the asksam plugin I copy the first line into the title when I cannot find a title[ field in the document ;-)


Re: Document Title from top line

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:57 pm
by wsp
A nice way to get the first line into the title is by selecting it and pressing F2.
Felix, this is a very useful tip, even to an experienced user like me. I wonder why I didn't notice it before?