[fixed in 6.13] Numbering in RTF export

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[fixed in 6.13] Numbering in RTF export

Post by timc »

I'm using MyInfo 6.11 and have a question about numbering in RTF export. In the RTF, the number of the first level 1 item is 1.1, the second level 1 item is 1.2, etc. I would have expected the level 1 items to be numbered 1,2, etc.
Is this the expected behavior?
MyInfo Support
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Post by Petko »

This problem will be fixed in the upcoming update.
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Joined: Wed Dec 22, 2010 6:18 pm

Post by edlipson »

I'm still seeing this in 6.31. I would expect the numbering if the request was not a hoisted document and Relative was requested. Maybe a type of 'Simplified', where the top of the Hoist is not numbered, and each next level takes on 1,2,3. Today the 'top' is 1, and then everything else is 1.1, 1.1.1. Too many leading 1's
MyInfo Support
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Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2004 4:33 pm

Post by Petko »

Hi Ed, sorry about that. It is now fixed for the next build (you need to have both Number Documents & Relative Numbering When Possible options enabled in Print > Advanced dialog).