[fixed in 6.20] IFRAME Troubles
Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 5:46 pm
Just a "heads-up" for people who use the web-export feature of MyInfo to have their databases available on the iPad:
I used to update my information in MyInfo. From time to time, I would make an web-export of the database, and transfer it to my iPad. There I use the GoodReader app to browser my database (unfortunately, you cannot edit it). Until MyInfo 6.13 this workaround worked quite well, but with the new version, I guess with the change from HTLM4 frames to IFRAMES, this workaround doesn't work anymore, as the internal browser of GoodReader doesn't handle the frames very well, ie if your page in the right frame is over one page long, you can see only the first page.
As I said, just for information for other people who have a similar workflow. By the way, has anyone a different situation, ie using data from MyInfo on a iPad?
Would like to hear your thought about that.
A question for Petko: are there any pitfalls in using two different MyInfo installations? I am thinking of using the 6.12 for exporting in the old HTLM4 frames, and the new one for editing the databases? Could this mean trouble for database integrity?
I used to update my information in MyInfo. From time to time, I would make an web-export of the database, and transfer it to my iPad. There I use the GoodReader app to browser my database (unfortunately, you cannot edit it). Until MyInfo 6.13 this workaround worked quite well, but with the new version, I guess with the change from HTLM4 frames to IFRAMES, this workaround doesn't work anymore, as the internal browser of GoodReader doesn't handle the frames very well, ie if your page in the right frame is over one page long, you can see only the first page.
As I said, just for information for other people who have a similar workflow. By the way, has anyone a different situation, ie using data from MyInfo on a iPad?
Would like to hear your thought about that.
A question for Petko: are there any pitfalls in using two different MyInfo installations? I am thinking of using the 6.12 for exporting in the old HTLM4 frames, and the new one for editing the databases? Could this mean trouble for database integrity?