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[fixed in 6.15 B1548] Auto Paste - Cannot get to toggle on

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:20 pm
by andersjw
I've been away from MyInfo for awhile, and am working on getting some things back into it. I'm struggling to get the Auto Paste to toggle on. I can get the Quick Paste to work, but when I select Auto Paste from the menu, I would assume it would be indicating that I toggled it on. When I do this from the Tray icon, it ignores this toggling too.

Is there something I am not doing correctly? I've done this in the past (several years ago) with no problems. Using version 6.15 Build 1536 Professional.

Thanks! I am loving getting my stuff back into MyInfo. I had dabbled with Evernote and OneNote, but really, MyInfo works better for me.

Re: Auto Paste - Cannot get to toggle on

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:10 pm
by Petko
This was a problem with Build 1536. It is now fixed in Build 1548, so please download again and reinstall MyInfo.