Hi Petko,
There is an issue in 6.20 when inserting a link in the document edit pane using drag & drop.
When you drag the link to a given position after dropping it, it is not inserted in the target position (where mouse is pointing) but somewhere before. It can be at beginning of line or before a preceding word or a tab character.
My use case is that when I want to insert a link to a folder, I usually enter some text followed by a colon (":") and a tabulation. Then I use to drag a link for example from an explorer window to the position after the tabulation. There's where the issue occurs, the link is inserted at some point before the expected position.
BR, gjdm
[fixed in 6.20b1833] Issue when inserting a link using dra..
This is a problem in the text editing library we use. I have contacted the author and expect it to be fixed in a few days!
This problem is now fixed!
It works. Thanks for the quick fix. 

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