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[fixed in 6.20b1865] Wrong "Pasted from" string when..

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:07 pm
by gjdm
New documents can be created in the tree pane by pasting the clipboard content in the tree pane.

When the content of the clipboard comes from a WORD document, the string "pasted from: path-to-file" is inserted at the end of the newly created Myinfo document.

If after creating a document by pasting text from a WORD document, you copy text from a Myinfo document and then you paste it in the tree pane to create a new Myinfo document, then the Myinfo document is created BUT the added string "pasted from: path-to-file", is the one corresponding to the previously pasted WORD document.

Normally if you paste text from a Myinfo document into the tree pane, a new Myinfo document is created with the clilpboard content AND no "Pasted from: ..." string is added.

Re: [fixed in 6.20b1865] Wrong "Pasted from" string when..

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:23 pm
by Petko
It turns out that it existed in versions before MyInfo 6.20 too. But it is fixed in the latest build now.