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Screen Tip for Hyperlinks

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 7:22 pm
by pilotctk
Hello - is it possible to add another row of text to the screen tip (i.e. tool tip) for hyperlinks? For example, if I create a hyperlink in Microsoft Word there is an option on the right side of the hyperlink editor pop-up window which says, "Screen Tip." Then, when I hover my mouse over the hyperlink, the screen tip tool (also known as tool tip) pops up. This would be such a huge help in Myinfo. As of today, when I hover the mouse of a hyperlink in MyInfo, it only shows me "click here" and the database the hyperlink points to. It would be so awesome to allow us to add our own custom text to that screen tip.

Please see the screen shot below for a picture of where Microsoft Word allows the user to add their own custom text to the tool tip.



Re: Screen Tip for Hyperlinks

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:59 pm
by Petko
Chris, this is not possible in MyInfo 6, but could be added to MyInfo 7, if there is enough interest in it.

Re: Screen Tip for Hyperlinks

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:40 pm
by pilotctk
Thanks! I hope it makes the list. I will add this to the "suggestions" section!