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Best feature in the history of two-pane outliners would be..

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:02 pm
by AlamoCity
The ability to collapse/expand text in the notes themselves -- so each note would be like a separate one-pane outliner. People who prefer one-pane outliners for some tasks, and two-pane outliners for other tasks, would then have the best of both worlds.

And it would really come in handy for subjects that you don’t want to split up into separate notes. For example, say you have a note that consists of a list of ten things in alphabetical order. All of the entries except #7 consists of just a few sentences each. Entry #7 consists of two pages of data. So it would be nice to be able to collapse #7 into a single line so you’d be able to have an airplane view of all ten entries without having to scroll.