When I try to export a topic (or part of it) with a number of attributes into a RTF-file, I arrange the attributes within the Tree section in the order I need them in the exported document. But - in the exported RTF-file they appear in a different order, at least some of them - such as:
(Tree) Attr. A-B-C-D-E
(RTF) Attr. A-B-E-D-C
(I found some sort of workaround - manually rearranging the order in the tree, save topic, completely close down MyInfo, re-open, try again, repeat this process some times, until MyInfo gives up and delivers the attributes in the order that I wish.
But that can not be a real solution???)
[fixed] Export problem: order of attributes mixed up
Hans, this sounds like a bug to me. I will try to fix it soon.
Fixed in MyInfo 6.37.