Yes, it could be solved by using multiple perspectives, but for some game systems it could end up with dosens of perspectives.
Here is an axample, I group the spells by the Spell form (this is from Ars Magica 5th edition), then I woul like the list to be sorted first by the classification (Example: CrAn20 - Create Animal 20) then by Title (when there are several spells with the same classification).
Right now I have only entered a few spells from one of the books, but when there are many more spells it would be nice to have a sorting of:
Sort notes by [Classification]
Then by [Title]
Here is a screenshot to illustrate when sorted by only one attribute: ... JPcqBKvAGt
Another example is the spells from the Witcher TRPG where I would like to group them by level (Novice, Journeyman, Master) and sort them by Spell Element, then Title (now sorted by Title only). ... svCYnmBQxF
If I change sorting to Spell Element, they are not listed alphabetical within each element: ... glT3d52kLv
If I used several perspectives for this I would end up with 10 to 20 perspectives instead of 2 to 5 which I currently have for those two game systems, and that is just for spells, there are lots of other information where I'd like different perspectives: races & classes, eqipment, etc.