Yesterday I ran into this problem with a 200MB OneNote notebook myself. I figured out a workaround, but be warned this involves using a PowerShell script. In light of that, make sure you know how to and *can* run Powershell scripts; and be careful with altering your execution policies[Footnote].
A) OneNote still supports exporting, but specifically in the OneNote 2016 Application. Notice this is different from the OneNote for Windows 10 app that you can also use. You may differentiate the two by their UI design. The 2016 version uses the older UI design with sections and groups at the top bar and limited tree navigation. In contrast the newer version is using the office 265 design and uses tree navigation on the right hand panel. Furthermore, windows does provide a Powershell API that interacts specifically with the 2016 application, not the Windows 10 application. In my case I had 2 books open in 2016 version and 10+ in Windows10 version, yet the powershell cmdlets operated and showed content from the 2016 version. b
B) I'm sure the powershell script can be altered to specifically load 1 notebook. I'm not very familiar with powershell myself, so I'll leave that to other enterprising souls.
C) This export/import process will not transfer the order of pages within a section. BY virtue of exporting files and reimporting them, they'll arrive sorted in alphabetical order. For sections with A LOT of pages, this may be a problem for you; but IMO is better than manually migrating pages.
1. Open your OneNote 2016 application.
2. Close/open your notebooks to leave the target notebook open.
3. Resync them to make sure it's fully synced down.
4. pause OneDrive for 2H.
5. Open PowerShell ISE
6. Use the script source Ben Passmore wrote at ... s-as-html/. Notice how this will read *all* the notebooks 2016 has open, and export them into directories + htm with embedded images to the export directory you selected.
If you run this, get no errors, but cant see the export directory dialogue, move the ISE window to the right or left and check if the dialogue spawned *behind* the window. I had this happen 2x.
7. Open MyInfo 7 and select File > Import
8. Choose option Folder & Files. The "Import In" choice is up to you, but I chose a new topic so i may delete it if there's an issue mid-import. Notice that the import process here will automatically detect the .htm files.
I used the following code for setting my execution policy. This sets the powershell execution policy to allow execution of unsigned code you wrote (e.g. copy paste), but requires signed code for anything downloaded from the internet. Afterwards you may want to reset the policy back to the Default.
Code: Select all
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine