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MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:43 pm
by nocar
When I write a note and enter a blank line (i.e. I hit keyboard Enter twice), there are no extra characters at the start of the blank line in the MyInfo 7 editor window. However, if I then copy or export that note text, an extra space appears at the start of each blank line.

I can illustrate this by exporting a note or copying the text in the MyInfo editor to another program. When exporting, this happens with files generated by File | Export to Folders and Files and also with File | Export as TXT or RTF file.

Attached is an image from MS Word showing an extra space before each paragraph mark on a blank line.
Extra spaces.png
Extra spaces.png (29.25 KiB) Viewed 5186 times
This is not a huge problem but it is a nuisance for those wanting to convert TXT files to MarkDown, the blank space before the paragraph interferes with formatting.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:46 pm
by lbw2112
Just out of curiosity, have you tried exporting or copying into a program other than MS Word, like even just Notepad? Those are hard return marks and other symbols that are hidden (or shown) by the program displaying them.

If it's only in MS Word then you may have "Show Paragraph marks and other hidden symbols" turned on in MS Word.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:47 pm
by nocar
I do have Show Paragraph marks turned on in MS Word, but it’s not the paragraph mark that I am talking about. It’s the extra character that precedes it. I call that character a “space” because that single space also shows up at the start of blank line when I export to a TXT file and open it in a plain text editor like Notepad, Notepad++ or EditPad.

That extra space also is there when I cut and paste directly from the MyInfo editor window into a plain text editor.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:36 am
by lbw2112
Ah, I see now. You were clear in the first post I just didn't understand it. Good catch.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:56 pm
by lbw2112
Petko, can this be fixed or is it by design?

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 6:35 pm
by Petko
I am afraid that this is a limitation of HTML. In order paragraph to be preserved and not trimmed, it needs at least a space. I know that this is a different from the regular text editors like Ms Word, but at this time I can't offer a solution..

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 9:12 pm
by theone
Can a simple solution be to change the code engine for each export type (Docx, RTF, TXT, etc), to take out the extra space for each exported and saved file (Docx, RTF, TXT etc) and leave the source Myinfo file as is currently?

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:30 am
by Petko
The problem is that MyInfo 7 note content is saved in HTML, so these extra spaces are saved in the note itself.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:38 pm
by theone
Thanks Petko,
So your export module is all based on the HTML native file format. Formally clean & logical approach. Changing each export sub-module to parse & take out the space will be a great hassle, while keeping html essence. I would not change the export core, keeping it native HTML saves many future headaches. It is not a big issue anyway.

I also noticed a bug that crashes the app most times. You know many professional writers use a mouse (Wired or wireless or bluetooth) that has 2 side buttons. These are for going forward and back in apps like browsers, word-processors etc. Also works on multi platforms (Win, Mac/iOS, Android's BACK button, Linux). When I use the back button for v7.2, first it freezes the app then crashes it. Please try with such a mouse with 2 side buttons for Back & Forward. I tried 2 different mouse types, same problem. The mapped function should be like the toolbar icons for going back & forward.

Did not want to create a new thread, sorry to OP for off-topic hijack. Back to topic.

Re: MyInfo editor adds extra spaces

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 4:05 pm
by Petko
theone wrote: Wed Aug 04, 2021 4:38 pmI also noticed a bug that crashes the app most times. You know many professional writers use a mouse (Wired or wireless or bluetooth) that has 2 side buttons. These are for going forward and back in apps like browsers, word-processors etc. Also works on multi platforms (Win, Mac/iOS, Android's BACK button, Linux). When I use the back button for v7.2, first it freezes the app then crashes it. Please try with such a mouse with 2 side buttons for Back & Forward. I tried 2 different mouse types, same problem. The mapped function should be like the toolbar icons for going back & forward.
Thanks, I will check that.